All for Helena

Chapter 3.

“That was such a kick ass show!” Michelle exclaimed as we made our way to the dressing room. She looked at me. “Ryan, you look pale. Are you okay?” she asked. I nodded. I never told that Frank was Helena’s father. I never told anyone. When we walked in, my eyes first fell on Frank. He looked back at me and smiled softly. Aw, that smile.

“Well, hello there,” Gerard said. He smiled at Michelle and me. “What are your names?” he asked.

“I’m Michelle,” Michelle said, smiling at Gerard. She nudged me with her elbow.

“Ryan,” I said, rubbing my ribs. Gerard shook both of our hands. The seven of us sat down, and I ended up between Frank and the wall. He smiled at me.

“Frank,” he introduced, holding his hand out. I grabbed it.

“Ryan,” I replied. He shook my hand and let go.

“I had a crush on a girl named Ryan in high school,” he confided in me. I looked at him.

“How’d that work out?” I asked. As Frank opened his mouth, Gerard cut him off.

“So, Ryan. Tell us something about yourself,” Gerard said. I shrugged.

“What’s there to tell? I’m a single mother. I have an 8 year old daughter named Helena. After your song actually,” I said. Mikey smiled.

“That’s so cool. That’s the first we’ve heard someone named their child after something that had to do with us,” Mikey exclaimed excitedly. I smiled.

“Well, I love the name Helena,” I said, smiling at Frank. He smiled back. We talked for hours. Well, Gerard, Michelle, Ray, Bob and Mike talked to each other and Frank and I talked. We talked aboutour my daughter.

“I’d love to meet her sometime,” Frank sighed. I smiled at him.

“She’d love to meet you too, Frank,” I sighed. He gave me a questioning look.

“Why would she want to meet me?” Frank asked. I shrugged.

“She likes to meet anyone,” I told him. I can’t just flat out tell him that he has a daughter.

“Oh. Well, where is she now? With your family?” he asked, leaning closer to me as Gerard yelled about Cake vs. Pie. I shook my head.

“She is my family. My parents kicked me out when I told them. She’s at a sleepover,” I said. He nodded and smiled.

“Helena seems like quite a girl,” he said.

“She really is,” I told him. I took his hand and scribbled my address. “If you have spare time, you’d be more than welcome to stop by,” I smiled. Frank looked at his hand.

“What about tomorrow, around noon?” he asked, looking up at me. I nodded.

“We’ll be there,” I smiled.

“Well, Ryan and I have to go,” Michelle said, grabbing my hand.

“Bye,” everyone said in unison. I smiled and waved at Frankie. I hope Helena likes her father.