All for Helena

Chapter 8.

Frank waited on the curb of the bus stop, waiting for Helena’s bus to come. He kicked the rock at his feet and sighed. The bus came around the corner and Frank stood up. The bus stopped and the door opened. Frank brushed his hands on his worn jeans. Helena jumped off of the bus and ran at Frank.

“Frankie!!” Helena squealed happily. He bent down to pick her up and when she locked her tiny arms around his neck and he spun her around.

“Frankie! Where’s Mommy?” Helena asked, smiling at him.

“Mommy’s sleeping, so she said you and I could hang out. You okay with that?” Frank asked. She nodded excitedly.

“Okay, so what do you want to do?” Frank asked her. She shrugged.

“Can we go see a movie or something? We could go see National Treasure: Book of Secrets! It’s educational!” Helena exclaimed. Frank laughed.

“Okay, can we go to your apartment to drop off your stuff?” Frank asked. She nodded.

“But we have to be quiet,” Frank warned. Helena led the way up the stairs and in the door. She quietly went into her room and Frank followed her. Helena put her bookbag on her bed and she pointed to a picture taped haphazardly on the wall. It looked like...Frank.

“It’s you!” Helena exclaimed quietly. Frank smiled and hugged Helena.

“Alright. Come on, Helena. Let’s go,” Frank said, carrying her out of the apartment.


After the movie, and a food buffet of Twizzlers, popcorn, water, soda and gummy bears, Frank and Helena went to dinner. Frank and Helena decided on going to Johnny Rocket’s for burgers. Helena had gotten a butterfinger milkshake and Frank got water after all that soda he drank.

“Frankie, I have a question for you,” Helena asked, munching on a fry.

“What, Helena?” Frank smiled.

“Did you know my Daddy?” Helena asked, slurping her milkshake. Frank sighed.

“Helena, sweetie. Why don’t you ask me when your Mom’s around?” Frank asked. She sighed and nodded. After dinner, Frank and Helena went home. Ryan was still sleeping.

“Why don’t we go color in your room?” Frank asked. Helena pulled him into her room and dumped her crayons. They colored for a while, but soon, they fell asleep, Frank laying on the ground, and Helena on his chest, his arms draped around her protectively.