What Can Be Said?

Part One

My life was great. I had the perfect family, the perfect jobs, and the perfect boyfriend. So what happened? Summer 05. Thats what.


"Misery Essence Faith Morris if you dont get up right now you wont get your surprise!"

I roll over a take a gander at the clock. Its 1 in the fucking afternoon. Way too early for this shit.

"Hold your mother fucking horses. Im getting up ya bitch!" I hear Mychial laugh from down the stairs. I pull back my hair, and walk out my room. "Why the hell did you wake me up?"

"Um....Misery, we have company." I look to see a very famous Matt Skiba sitting at the kitchen table with Mychial. I look down. I am wearing a black cami and matching underwear.

"Oops." I continue to fix my soy filled breakfast. "Babe, I love ya, but why the fuck did you wake me up so damn early?"

"Well because Matt here agreed to do a piece for your magazine."

"Oh. And that couldnt wait?"

"Well that could but the fact that he also got you a sponsor for the boarders tour couldnt."

I choke on my soy fruit drink, "What?!"

"Yea, youre up for the warped tour next month."

"YES! Dude, you rock. Damn, now I gotta do an issue of declaration."

"No you don't. Just mail it back. Your mom and I can run the copies and send them out."

"You sure you can handle it?"

"No problem."

"Alright. Skiba, follow me if you please." He got up and followed me up the stairs. "Wait in here." I leave him in my office and go put clothes on. I do my hair and make-up.

"Damn!" I raise an eyebrow. "You're pretty hott."

"Thanks, I guess. Now about your run." We proceeded to talk about anything and everything.

"Apart from religious beliefs, we are quite similar."

"Yes, we are. However, the fact that you are an atheistic member of a satanic church may cause major issues. But I enjoy some of your music." How he raised an eyebrow. "I am a sadist and masochist deep down." He looked at me, eyes wide. "Not sexually, pure and simple."

"Oh. Well I wish you luck with that. Oh here." He handed me passes. "Press badge and backstage pass, for warped."

"Thanks." I show him the door. "That was interesting."

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I'm trying to figure everything out on here. All of this stuff is over on quizilla if you want to read it in a different format....