What Can Be Said?

Part Ten

"WHAT IN FUCKING HELL!!" There....on my bed....is Skiba in a skimpy maid outfit. Rose petals are scattered all over my room.

"You don't want me?"

"Dude!! So Wrong!" To make matters worse, Benji jumps out from behind the door and pushes me onto me bed. Skiba sits on me and poses in suggestive ways for the camera in Benji's hand. "I'm going to kill you!!" I push Skiba off and chase Benji downstairs.

Benji comes and sits at my feet, handing me a camera. Tony runs in. I pet Benji as I talk, "You didn't like my gift?"

"So fucking wrong." I'm still petting Benji when Billy, Dean, Seb, Dan, and Derek come in house. They all stop dead when they see Skiba sitting in the recliner drinking a beer.

"I have pictures." They look confused. "Minion!! (hehe spy kids) take me to get them developed." Benji picks me up, after grabbing Tony's keys, and takes me to the car.

Benji and Misery leave. "What the fuck Skiba?"

"I'll go change...."

"Good idea." He goes to the bathroom.

"She has one warped sense of humor."

"N.S.S." We all look to Matt L. "No Shit Sherlock. Mis got me saying that."

"Oh yea.... I say Holy Bitch and Son of a Dick now." I laugh at her strange language.

"At least she doesn't call any of you pussyfart or dick bastardly." Skiba enters the room.

Dean laughs, "But I'm sure she asks everyone: how's the erection?" We all laugh, but Tony just seems confused.

"Sorry Tone, forgot you're new to her ways."

"Yea. Don't you mean her ways are new to me?"

"No. Everything revoloves around her ways and language. Something we all must learn. So did ya ask her?" he shakes his head. "What the hell?!"

"Did she or did she not say she likes you?"

"She did."

"Has she said anything mean?"


"And she and Skiba fucking initiated you! Just fucking ask her!"

"I will.... eventually. I hope."

"You are such a wuss."

"Shut up Joely!" He scowls at me. We watch T.V. while we wait for them to return.