What Can Be Said?

Part Eleven

"Did he do or say anything on the way back?"

"No Benjamin." I sigh. Maybe it's just a crush on his part....

"That ho. He is such a pussy sometimes. It pisses me off."

"Chill. You're more mad than I am."

"It's just that you two are perfect for each other. And I know he wants to ask you."

"He will in his own time. No need to rush it."

"Well he's waited to long."

"It's been not even a day! Did you expect him to ask me the day I woke up?"

"Yes, and to propose before your family left."


"This just isn't normal Tony. When he wants a girl, he doesn't stop or wait. He's immediately askin for all her info."

"Well he could have changed."

"No, Tony's been that way since I met him. Something's up."

"Well let's get my pictures. I'm sure they're done now." He gets out of the car and walks into the photo shop. He comes out 10 minutes later, laughing his ass off. "What's so funny?"

"The guy's face when I picked up the pictures. he just kept staring at me. On the way out, I swear I heard him tell his friend that he knew Tony and I were really truly gay. It's too funny." He laughs harder, causing me to giggle.

"I want some fake ice cream." He smiles and we head toward Frozen Delights. "Holy Bitch!" Benji stops to look where I am.

"Davey.... What the hell is he doing here?"

"I have no fucking clue, but I f-ing love him and A.F.I. Oh well, let's get my creami-ness." He laughs and we go to the counter.

"Oh! Hi! Surprise inspection?!" The clerck is nodding hopefully.

"No. Nothing like that."

"Oh." She looks down at the counter, dissappointed.

"Don't look so sad." She smiles slightly.

"Well Boss, what can I do ya for?"

I laugh. "I love that I made that mandatory." Benji shakes his head and we order. He puts me at a table, then goes to get our orders.

"Excuse me, but are you the boarder, Misery Morris?" I look up to smile at the person only to see Davey.

"Yea. Hey. How are you?'

"Fine, you?" He sits across from me as he says this.

"Been better." We laugh as Benji joins us.

"Hey man."

"Hey. Why are you here? I know you're not touring."

"Meetings and shit." We both nod.

"Cool. Well what are you doing now? Cause I'm ready to go."

He laughs, "Nothing, what do you have in mind?"

"Theme park?"

"Fuck no! I ain't carrin' yo sorry ass around a damn park." I pout, but Davey suggests something.

"How bout a board show? I know some guys around here." I bounce in my seat.

"Please Benji!? I can't board and I've been cravin' all day! Please Please Please!"

"Can we pick up Tone first?"

"Yea, and Skiba too." We head to the car, then back to Tony's house. I call Skiba on his cell and tell him and Tony to come out.

"Davey? Surprise. I didn't know you were in town."

"Yea. Got here a few days ago."

"Enough with the pleasantries, Pussy-fart. Get in the damn car!"

"Ok. Ok." He and Tony get in the back.

"Is she always like this?"

"Depends. Where we going?"

"Davey promised her a board show."

"Damn." Tony and Matt say this together.

"What?" I try to look innocent.

"Rules: 1) You have to stay sitting. 2) No cussing them out for stupid stuff. 3) No projectiles. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" I salute Matt. "Now can we go?"

"Yes. Where is it anyway?"

"Few blocks away. It's their usual hang out." Skiba nods. "Turn here." We chat, with breaks so Davey can give directions. When we get to to the park, Tony jumps out and comes to my door.

"A piggy-back ride kind sir?'

"But of course m'lady." He kneels by the door so I can get on his back.

"We're kind of dorky." Tony laughs.

"I know. And there's no excuse." Davey and Benji are walking ahead of us, but they stop to talk. "Here we are love." he puts me on a bench.

"Wait up!" I run to catch up to Davey while Tony gets Mis out of the car.

"Does Tony like her?' He looks back at them.


"Just curious. He kept looking at her when we were in the car and he sped out to get her."

"I guess it can't hurt...." I say this to myself. "Yea, he does. It's hard to get him to leave her side."

"Does she like him?'

"So she says." He looks down for a second. "So where are these friends of yours?"

"Right there." He points to the half pipe in front of us. He goes over and says hi while Tony puts Mis down. Matt comes over a few minutes later. As we have time before the show starts, Mis and Davey are deep in conversation, so I pull Tony aside.

"Why the hell haven't you asked her?!" He shrugs and bites his lip.

"I don't know. I'm nervous."

"About what? She likes you. Just ask her damn it." He shakes his head and goes back to her side. "Mother fucking pussy ass bitch...." I mumble profanities to myself as I join the group. He needs to fucking ask her before Davey tries something. Davey has Mis in tears and Tony is just watching them. The show starts and she stops talking immediately, turning all her attention to the half pipe. She's in another world, and we all know not to talk to her.

Tony and Benji get up to talk. I turn to Davey.

"So do you like him?"

"Fuck yea."

"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend?" I shake my head. "Why not?" I shrug. "Why don't you ask him?"

"Scared. Oh, they're coming back." Tony sits on my left. "When are you going on tour again?"

"No fucking clue." I laugh. "Well I don't know! I don't usually find out until a few days before. Then I have to rush to get ready. All that eyeliner and eyeshadow..." Tears roll down my cheeks as I imagine Davey scrambling to pack enough make-up for the tour. However, I stop once someone drops in to the half pipe.

"That Fucking rocked!" I'm in the back between Davey and Tony, on the way back to the house. "I can't wait till I can board again. But dude! AH!! I'm so hyped now. I wanna like jump off a cliff! So much fucking adrenaline! Davey, thank soooooooo much! I could fuck you right now. Damn, I need and outlet for all this energy. Hey, Tony?" He looks at me and I kiss him. I don't stop right away beacuse it's something I've been wanting to do all day. I pull away as we park in the driveway. Benji carries me inside because Tony is spaced out in the car.

"Why did you do that?"

"Wanted to. But if I wasn't on a high right now I wouldn't have had the courage."

"Well hopefully he gets the message."

"Let's hope."