What Can Be Said?

Part Two

"Misery!" I snap out of my daze.

"What Matt?"

"You OK?"

"Yea." He cocks a brow. "Honestly, it's nothing."

"Well you're up next of the vert."

"OK." I run to the ramp and drop in. After my run I go back to the bus.

I had been on Warped for a few weeks, and was homesick. So, I flew back to Atlanta. I walked into my and Mychial's home. "Oh my gosh!"

"Baby, I was going to tell you."

"Just pack your shit and leave. I want you out tomorrow." I ran upstairs to my office and locked the door. "Where did I put it?" I searched frantically for the bottle of Jack I keep stashed. When I find it I don't even bother with a glass. "Sweet sinful release, take me away!" I took another swig and collapsed on the floor in tears. "How the hell could he cheat? And when was he was going to tell me? We've been together since we were 16. That's 6 years I fucking wasted." I took another sip and continued to cry. After many ups and downs of the bottle, I needed a new escape. I got up and lit a candle. I set up my contraption, hanging a nail file over the flame. I continued to drink. "That should do." I pulled the file from its resting spot after 10 minutes. I drug the hot metal across my arm. I gasped in pain. I continued this for maybe an hour before the euphoria wore off. I'd finished the bottle of Jack by 3 in the morning.

I come back to myself. "Damn, maybe I should go to a therapist." I get out of my bunk and head to the front of the bus. "Hey Skiba, where to now?"

"New York. After we pass through Chicago and a number of other cities of course."

"Dumbass." I laugh at the look on his face. "Holy Bitch! It's 4. Well, I guess my skate time was an hour ago."

"You have one fucked up language."

"But Son of a dick is it great! Well now, pussy-fart, let's get you some food!" He chases me off the bus and I run into somebody. "Sorry bout that, but Dick Bastardly here was chasing me". I extend my hand to help the guy up.

"Mis, are we going eat or what?"

"Or what." I run again and Matt chases me. I make it to the food tent. "I win! You buy my next C.D.!"

"Mother Fucker!" We both laugh. We get our food, well Skiba gets his and I watch him eat.