What Can Be Said?

Part Three


I stumbled down the stairs. Being piss drunk has many disadvantages. Mychial was nowhere to be found. Good Riddance. That reminded me of a Green Day song, so I put on Nimrod. Softly. Luckily my hangovers are light. My phone begins to ring. "Hello?"


"Oh Hey Skiba. Sup?" I slur my words slightly.

"Nothing. Hows home?"

"Shit. Mychial was fucking some slut when I walked in the door."


"Yea, but I got piss drunk and did some fiddling so I'm cool."

"You said you stopped."

"I lied, sue me."

"Whatev. Well are you going to fly then?"

"After I put out my new issue. Give me a few days."

"Cool. We'll be in Sacramento."



"Misery? What the hell?" I had taken out my pocket knife.

"Oh. Sorry. I was thinking." I put the knife away just as some one approached the table.

"This is strange but youre Misery Morris, arent you?"

"Who wants to know?"

"I'm Dean. I am the new drummer for Good Charlotte. I'm a fan, and I was wondering if I could get an autograph." I look him up and down.

"As long as I can get a picture."

"Sure!" He looks like a kid in a candy store.

"You don't mind your picture being a mag, do you?"

"Which one?"

"69. I need to start a new issue."

"That's your mag?! Oh my. I am obsessed with that! I love it. That's how I found out you were coming on Warped. I've been trying to find you this whole time."

"Awesome. Yo! Pussy-fart. Ima be in the bus." Matt laughs as I lead Dean to the bus. People stop us on the way and ask for autographs. "Aiight. I need a few pictures."

"Why do you use a different name for your mag?"

"Cuz, I go by Essence for my label. So I just stuck that on all my
music associated shit."

"You have a label?"

"Yea, Fifty-Forty Records."

"Dude! Wait, where did Essence come from?"

"Misery Essence Faith Morris." He smiles and we start the pictures.

"I want you to meet the guys. They are going to love you. We all read your mag religiously. And Billy and Benji follow your career too. The boarding part."

"Okay, calm down, I'll come."

"YES!!!" He jumps up and pulls me off the bus just as Skiba comes up.

"Going to meet GC!" I yell as I am dragged along. Good thing I brought my camera.

"Guys! Guess who I found!"

"Chill Dean. I don't think they care."

"Misery Morris!?"

"Benjamin Madden!?" I say this mockingly. Everyone laughs. "Sup?"

"Nothing." This is the general response.

"So....can I get a few pictures for my mag?"

"Which one?"

"She's the founder of all things music. 69! Can you believe it? The person whom we worship on a board is the same person who puts out our musical bible."

"Dean, breathe." I pat his arm. "Yea, well can I? I need something good for the next issue." Everyone agrees and I get pictures of all of us. I caption each picture. "Well, that was fun. Oh! Dean can we get it now?! Please?!"

"Yea, let's go."

"Get what?"

"One of my frozen soy drinks. Did I forget to mention that I own Frozen Delights?"

"Only!" Billy freaks out. "I love that place!" The rest of the band rolls their eyes.

"Well let's go!" The three of us head to the food tent. "Hey! Days of Deprivation is playing. Let's go!"

"They fucking rock!" I smile up at Billy.

"I know, thats why I signed them."

"You head Fifty-Forty?"


"Fucking awesome!"

"Oh, they're just starting. Cool." We listened to the band play. "So what now?"

"Let's go back to the guys, we already played today."

"Yea, while I skated!"

"True. We were pissed about that."

"So was I." The three of us laugh as we head back to GCs bus.

"Misery!" I turn to see Matt running up to us. "Where were you?"

"We had to watch my boys."

"Oh. Well some tattooed blonde was looking for you."


"That guy you ran into. He came and asked me where you were. Said something about getting pay back."

"OK. Well fuck that. Wanna hang with GC?"

"Sure." We head back to the bus

"Sup Biatches!?" I always have to make an entrance.

"Stuff it Mis!"

"I'd rather not, but thanks for the offer!" Benji pushes me.




"Whore!" We both laugh and sit on the couch. "That was fun, what now?"

"Bored much?"

"Always!" Joel shakes his head as he sits down.

"Damn, youre worse than David."

"You should see her after a good show."

"Fuck off Matt."

"My pleasure." We laugh and everyone looks at us.

"So....how did you and Matt meet?" Matt looks at me, then at the floor, shuffling his feet.

"Its okay. I knew someone would ask eventually." I smile at him as he moves to sit by me. "Well my ex introduced us."

"Your ex?"

"Yea, he wasn't my ex at the time though. He got Skiba to do a piece for my mag. We've been tight since. Like sibs." Matt rubs my back as I try to avoid having a flashback.

"Do you mind telling why you broke up?"

"I went to visit him a few weeks ago and found him fucking some slut on our couch. I kicked him out."

"How long were you together?"

"Six years."

"And you're 22 now right?" I nod. "Damn, hes a bastard."

"I know, but I got over it fast." I smile and Matt laughs.

"Now Misery, we don't need to scare our new friends."

"No, I guess you're right. So who wants to party?"

One and all agrees. Matt runs to tell everyone there is a party on the GC bus. "I thought you meant on your bus."

"Now Paul why would you think that?" He shakes his head.

"No idea." I laugh. The bus fills quickly. Billy and I start a Halo tournament. Of course I win. So, I move through victims as the night progresses.

"You're that girl that ran into me!"

"Did I apologize?" I don't look up from the game.


"Then get over it."

"I don't want to."

"Look, Im trying to not get my ass kicked. Later please?"

"Whatever." I whoop my current opponent, who happens to be Benji. I do my victory dance.

"You're the chick Tony was talking about!"

"Huh? WHO WANTS MY SPOT?" Some unknown person grabs my controller. "Water?"

"Sure. Tony was ranting about some chick who knocked him over, then took off after a hurried I'm Sorry."

"Well Matt was chasing me, and I helped him up."

"Yea, he's just irked cuz he thinks youre hott." I choke on my water and begin to laugh. "Happen a lot?"

"Every week." He laughs. "Wanna dance?"

"Sure." We go to the dance floor and start to grind. This continues for 3 or 4 songs. Then a slow song comes on and we get off the bus. "You do know who Tony is right?"

"Anthony John Lovato, born in Chicago Illinois? Cousin to Matthew Lovato? Both of whom are members of Milwaukee's Best? That Tony?"

"Yea, that Tony. No need to be a smart ass."

I stand up and look at my butt. "Hear that? He called you smart. I told you I wasnt a glory hog." He laughs as I sit back down.


"Random-ness-of-the-ness is my specialty. You know they wanted to put me on medication. But how the hell am I going to be insane if I take pills everyday? 8 fucking pills." He chuckles as I throw my hands in the air. "Well?"

"I have no clue. Let's go back." We stand and get back on the bus.

"I want some liquor. But alas, all you have is beer."

"What do you drink?"

"IF I drink, its 90 proof or Jack. Nothing else." He looks stunned. "But that's only when I'm depressed." He nods.

"So why now?"

"No idea. But the urge hit." I shrug and go find Matt. "Hey Pussy-fart. Hows the erection?"

He shakes his head. "This is the girl you were asking about." He points to me, but looks at some blonde dude. "I'm going to go back to the bus." He gets up and kisses my forehead.

"Bye. So why were you looking for me?" He gets up and motions for me to follow him off the bus.

"Why the hell did you run into me?"

"Skiba was chasing me and I wasnt looking. I already apologized."

"You don't even care who I am?"

"Why would I?" He's fun to piss off.

"Because I can get you kicked off this tour."

"Actually, Mr. Lovato, if I go, Days of Deprivation goes. Along with one of the food sponsors. And a mag."


"Misery Essence Faith Morris: boarder, owner of Fifty-Fourty Records, Forzen Delights, and 69 Mag. At your service." He takes a step back. "Well when you pull the stick out of your ass, keep avoiding me." I get back on the bus and say bye to the guys before going back to the A.T bus.