What Can Be Said?

Part Four


I get on the bus and get a drink, then I go find Benji. "Do you know Misery Morris?"

"Yea, she's the chick who ran into you."

"I hate her."

"Well that sucks."


"Cuz she's a new friend. The band's going to be in her magazine." What the hell! I get up and go back to the Mest bus. Guess I'm alone in despising her. What a bitch! A hott bitch. No Tony. We don't become attracted to enemies. It just doesn't work that way. Get over it. You're just horny. Yea, that's it. Horny.

I am 90 percent successful in avoiding her. We have a few run-ins. When we do have to talk, we argue. It goes great the last few weeks until the Chicago stop. It gets hard. The news that she is so talented, with her mag, label, and board career, spreads like a wildfire. People flock to watch her skate and get pictures with her afterward. All of which go into her magazine. She decided to open a stand and sell them. All our fans are down right giddy when she puts out a new issue. A fan approaches me, "Tony, when is Mest going to be on the cover? Everyone else has been."

"We aren't. The editor and I are of different minds." I know that fans are disappointed, but I don't particularly care. Benji finds me after the Chicago show.

"Dude, when are you going to admit that you like her?"

"I'm not, cuz I don't." He rolls his eyes. "I dont. She's a psychotic bitch."

"So. She knows that. She just refuses to take meds."

"Well I don't like her. And even if I did, it's not like I have a chance. She told me to stay away from her."

"Well knowing Misery, she's either forgotten about that, or didn't mean it in the first place."

"Whatever." I decided to head to my house. We are staying in town for a few days.

"Hey Bitch!" I turn to see Misery run up to Benji.

"Hey Slut." They walk off joking and chortling. I watch her midnight blue hair sway as she bounces with excitement. Stop! She's an evil bitch. We don't like her. I yell at myself as I proceed home.

"Tony?!" Matt and Jeremiah come through the door. "Can you believe it's just New York, and then were done?"

"Yeah. Cool."

"What's with the lack of enthusiasm? You sounded like Misery for a second."

"Don't compare me to that whore!"

"Chill. It's just a saying. What's with you two anyway? She won't even come over because you live here."

"Good. I don't want that slut in my house."

"Honestly. You act like she just dumped you. And she's just as bad. When I mentioned you, she called you a pompous ass wart." Damn, she does hate me. Benji walks through the door.



"Hold on." His cell starts to ring. "Hello. Oh Shit. I'll be there. Yea. Bye." He runs out the door. I follow him.


"Get in, I'll explain on the way." We get into the rental car, and speed out of the drive way. "Misery was boarding and lost control. She doesn't skate safe, but by chance decided to wear a helmet. She hit the concrete hard. She's in a coma. She broke her right leg, left arm, and dislocated her right shoulder." I could do nothing but stare out of the window. We get to the hospital and rush into find Skiba, Billy, and Dean there. "Where is the rest of the band Matt?"

"Went to get drinks along with Seb."

"Does Joel know?"

"Yea, Dean called him while I called you." I sit down. I feel a tear hit my arm. Why the fuck am I crying? Benji sits by me.

"You alright?"

"No." He continues to look at me. I start crying hard, my head in my hands. Why am I in love with her?


"You alright?"

"No." He puts his head in his hands and cries. I rub his back, not knowing what else to do. The doctor comes out.


"Thats us."

"Well, we set all the breaks and fixed her shoulder. We also found signs of internal bleeding, but we were able to stop that. However your friend remains in a coma. Were doing what we can, but she may never wake up." Tony just cries harder. Matt skinks to the floor.

"Can we see her?"

"Yes." We all get up and follow the doctor.