What Can Be Said?

Part Seven



"Where's Benji when you need him?" He walks in as I say this.


"You're a ho."





"Anytime." Everyone looks at us in disbelief.

"What?!" We say this together; everyone shakes their heads. Benji and I shrug, "Video games!" We have another twin moment.

"Come my long lost triplet!" Benji picks me up and takes me into the game room.

"How have you been this past month, bitch?"

"OK. It was really hard the first week becuase your family hadn't arrived and we had to leave for New York. But when we came back you had gotten better.... Oh, and Tony was okay to joke every once in awhile. Most of the time, he sat quietly, stroking your hair and trying not to cry." He looks at me before starting the game.

"So, he really does like me? I mean it won't just be a hook up while I'm here for p.t.?"

"You say that like you've decided to fuck him already." I smile but don't attempt an answer. "Misery Essence Faith Morris! Answer me!"