What Can Be Said?

Part Eight

"You know I'm staying a V 'til the big M. Anyway.... I still don't think he likes me as much as everyone says."

"If only...."

"If only what?"

"If only you knew. If only you heard the things he would say to you. If only you heard the questions he asked about you. If only you saw him cry that night. If only you had smelled him after two weeks. If only...." He pauses, restarting the game.

~Matt Skiba~
"Is it okay if I stay for a few weeks? I want to make sure she's okay." Tony nods.

"You think I can handle her on my own? You're crazy. I was tempted to beg her brother to stay. I would have fucking graveled." I laugh at the seriouness playing in his eyes.

"She can be a handful."

"Can be!!? The whole way back she was making plans to be skating tomorrow. And with no pads or a helmet." I shake my head Typical

"Have you asked her yet?"

"No, I'm scared."

"The worst she can do is say no."

"Nuh-uh. She can say yes and then dump when her p.t. is over. That would be ten-thousand times worse than if she said no."

"But that way, you would have been with her, and the crush might wear off."

"It's more than a crush. She's perfect for me. And those few weeks I would be mush. Then, when she leaves I'd be a mess, knowing I lost the best thing in my life. I'd rather her say no."

"You really are addicted." He nods before going back into the kitchen.

Billy turns to me," He kept asking Dean and me about her. When he wasn't by her side least ways. It took all I had not to choke the shit out of him." Dean nods in agreement.

"I think he questioned Benji more than us." I shake my head at Dean's comment.

I go into the kitchen. Damn it Lovato! Quit being a fucking pussy and ask her! You want her and have admitted it to a lot of people. Damn, you missed partying in New York for her! Suck it up!! I mentally kick myself. I sneak a peek at her playing video games with Benji. Their friendship is so natural and easy. I feel a twinge of jealousy as they push each other and joke around. I'm tempted to run in there and bring her into a deep hug, but I'm to afraid of how she'll react.


"Tony has been staring at you for 20 minutes." Benji leans over and whispers this in my ear causing me to giggle.


"Well do something."

"Why do I have to do something?"

"Cuz, Tony's a wuss." He says this under his breath. I sigh with forced frustration.

"Pussyfart! Get your sorry ass in here!"

"This better be good. I'm on the phone."

"Tell Mon hi for me!"

"How....nevermind." He relays my message. "She sends her love. Now, what douchey midget?"

"Sit." I pat the couch next to me. "When Ben and I are done I want you to...."