What Can Be Said?

Part Nine

"No! I refuse!" I hear Skiba yell from the game room. I go to see what's wrong.

"Everything ok?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"The yelling....?" Misery smiles.

"I asked Skiba to get me some tampons."

"W.T.M.I." Benji, Misery, and Skiba laugh. "I'll be in the front." They nod as I go to the living room. "Hey guys!" I say this as nerdy as possible.


"You're my cousin."

"Unfortunately." I hit Matt on the head as i jump over the back of the couch; we watch T.V. until about 1:30. Good thing the airport is like 15 minutes away.

"Misery! Get ready to leave!" I yell this as I take luggage to the car. Skiba brings her into the room and Ric takes the last suitcase to the car. He kisses her forehead as he sets her in the car and whispers something to her. I will kiss her....Someday. I feel another twinge of jealousy watching them. Again with the close friendships!! Everyonepiles into the car. Mrs. Morris is up front with me. Ric and Mr. Morris are on either side of Misery.

"So.... Anthony, I'll be especting you for Labor Day...." I nod in answer to her unspoken question.

"Hopefully...." I mutter to myself and continue to smile. Misery and I walk with them 'til the security checkpoint where we have to turn back. She calls her dad as asoon as they are out of sight. We sit while they chat until it's time for them to board."Ready?"

"Piggy-back?" She asks with a little kid voice.

"1) I have to carry you. 2) Are you trying to break my back?" I kneel so she can climb on. We are almost to the car when I hear her sniffle. "Are you crying?"

"No." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Then what was the sniffle for?"

"It wasn't a sniffle. I was smelling your hair."

"Um....ok. Strange."

"It smells good." I laugh as I put her in the car. Her weird quirks only make her more appealing.... I'm f-ing whipped and she hasn't done a DAMN THING We get to the house.

"I want to watch T.V. with Matt." She says this as I am picking her up. Thankfully, they left the door open. I set her on the couch.

"I'll be back."

"May the force be with you." She salutes me as I head to my room.

"You're so mean."

"What?" I try to look innocent.