Night Shift

Chapter 1

Hello there. What you are reading is absolutely and completely true. It is an account of my life’s story.

My name is Rose Benedict. I am 15 years old. I’m also a vampire. I’ve been that way since my toddler years. It’s not as cracked up as every book makes it. I do not enjoy killing innocent people, and sometimes, animals don’t quite cut it. The temptation is the worst part.

I don’t have any parents. No, I didn’t kill them. I just don’t know where they are. I’ve lived with my friend Melissa ever since I could remember. She’s 18, and we live without her parents, now, even though we’re both still in school. Melissa is a senior, and I’m a sophomore. I’m usually reclusive and only talk to Melissa at school. The problem is- Melissa’s human.

For some reason, the craving for blood is intensified around her. I know that I really don’t want to kill her. So there must be another person living inside of me, right? Like any insane person, the other creature inside of me talks to me. She says “When are you going to do it? Kill her!” I gave her a name – Rosalie. Rosalie’s my alter ego, basically. Whenever I hunt, she’s who takes over, and I hide in the unconscious of my mind, trying not to dwell too long on the act that I’m committing.

Something was wrong. Something was really off. I hadn’t seen Melissa all day because she decided to stay home, and for some reason, I was craving her scent. I couldn’t focus in any of my classes, but my teachers didn’t bother to reprimand me. They merely pretended that I didn’t exist. But when the bell rang, I sprang out of my seat so quickly; it may as well have been an ejector seat. I ran home, thinking Screw anyone who feels the breeze. In minutes I was at the front door. But now I knew Rosalie was causing this, something she wanted was so appealing to her that she was making me want it, too. Oh no I thought. Oh yessss, Rosalie hissed inside my head.

I entered the room, battling internally with Rosalie for control of my body. Melissa looked up from her computer. “Oh! Hello Rose. You’re home already?” I nodded stiffly, giving a scathing glance at the open window. She got up. “Are you okay?” she asked, getting closer. I groaned as my throat burned, closing my eyes. My defense was slipping away. Don’t kill Melissa…Don’t…..

It felt like someone else was stepping into my body. “Hello, darling.” Rosalie said to Melissa. Melissa stopped walking immediately. She’s known Rosalie well enough to recognize when she’d taken over. Rosalie smirked and started jumping on the bed. “I missed you quite a lot today.” Melissa tracked Rosalie with her eyes. I could tell she was getting dizzy. “Why’d you decide to stay home?” Rosalie asked. Melissa shuddered, still watching Rosalie jump. “Er, I didn’t feel like going today.” Rosalie jumped down and landed right in front of Melissa. She placed both hands on either side of her neck. “How about never going to school again?” she smirked. Melissa gasped a pushed Rosalie off, running for the door. It slammed shut before she could reach.

“Silly girl.” Rosalie chuckled, dragging Melissa back by the neck of her shirt. “Now don’t worry, this will be quick and painless.”

Melissa screamed, and Rosalie let go, thinking that the parentals were home. Then her eyes narrowed. “You little sneak.” Melissa’s green eyes widened. “Don’t bite me, Rose. Trust me!” Rosalie threw her head back and cackled. “Rose cannot hear you!” Yes I can! I wanted to scream. Rosalie grabbed Melissa firmly by her arm, backing her against a wall, smirking. “Any last words?” Melissa simply closed her eyes and looked very peaceful. Rosalie snorted. “What a martyr.” Then she bit down on the side of Melissa’s neck. NO! I screamed.

Suddenly a shock ran through my body. Rosalie went back into the recesses of my mind. A vile, disgusting taste stayed in my mouth. “What the hell?” I groaned, making a face. Melissa stood looking at me, rubbing her neck. “Hey, Rose.” I looked at her, freaked out. “I kinda have something to tell you.” Well that something would have to wait. I felt myself hit the ground, and the world went black.