The Boy With a Thorn In His Side...And His Lungs...And His Heart..

chapter 6

I stumbled out,sniffling.
"Mel!!" Carina's voice called to me.
I ignored it.My goal was to get out of that school and away from anything that reminded me of Gilb and what had just happened.If I had too,I'd quit school and run away back to Hemingway South Carolina where nothing like this ever happened!
I burst through the double doors and ran as fast as I could home.
My mom jumped as I burst through the door and up the stares to my bathroom where I locked myself in and sobbed.

"Amelinda what's wrong?!What are you doing home?!"
I didn't answer,only sobbed.
For a second,I must have forgotten she was my mother and knew everything.Like how to pick the lock to any door in any house.
She pulled me into a hug and I sobbed on her shoulder.
"Shh shh tell me what happened Melly!Mama's got you shhh.What happened?" she asked,swaying.
I continued to sob,on through the night as she brushed my hair back and stayed with me.Even though she didn't know a thing,she stayed.
My dad paced most of the day after he had gotten home.
I wouldn't do anything but cry.
I was so embarrassed and it was all my fault.If I wouldn't have ran and hid I would have never came across him. I couldn't say his name. I would never be able to say his name. I would never be able to go back to school. My life was over. I was doomed to a safe little shell within myself,away from everyone else and all the complications they might bring.
Eventually I cried myself to sleep,but It was everything but restful.I dreamed of him.I dreamed of what happened,and I cried all over again.

After that night,I was numb.I drew myself up into this little cold person.I didn't talk,I didn't eat,I didn't sleep,go to school,e-mail Rachel,I didn't do anything.
I couldn't even think of Pete.
I knew nothing about him.How was I so sure he wouldn't be another one just like Gilb?
I layed in bed,my baggy hoodie wrapped tightly around me,staring out the window,watching the rain fall.
I had a choice.Tell my mom what happened like she had been begging me and going through the long process of my case being justified,or don't tell and forget it happened.
I chose to forget.Forever,but my mom had other plans.That night she came in and said that either I could tell her what was wrong or she would have to send me back to school.
I begged her not to make me go,but I refused to tell.With tears in her eyes and demanded I go.

So here I am,walking as slowly as possible to school,dreading my arrival,the many questions once I get there,more make up work,and seeing any male.
There weren't any male teachers in the school,no males that worked there,except for janitors so I wasn't worried about that.

I jumped,"Carina.Hey."

"Hey! How are you? Why haven't you been at school?"

"I was sick." I lied.

"Oh,I'm sorry.Glad you feel better.I have your work in my locker,l keep forgetting it,I'm sorry!"

I shrugged,"It's okay.I wouldn't have felt like doing it anyway." I watched my feet pound the wet pavement as I spoke.

She nodded,"I understand that."
We walked onto school grounds and the day began.Every teacher asked me questions.The principle talked to me,all the kids I had met too.I said as little as possible.
At lunch I pushed my food around and went back over the day so far,making sure I hadn't released any clues.
Lunch was over and I exited the cafeteria,making sure not to be alone,and saw a big crowd gathered around.
I was happy to have the attention off of me,but I knew what it was and it pained me.
I heard them fighting and I could hear the punches almost like an action movie.

At home,when I thought back on the fight,it made me feel bad.I did just like I did the last day I was there.I ran.While the attention was off of me,I went on back to class,even though I walked alone.
I sighed and put my pencil down.I was beat,I couldn't bother with the piles of homework I had to make up.
After my usual nighttime routine I went to bed.Everything was almost normal,I was almost able to put what had happened behind me.
I even had my normal nightmare,only it didn't stop when I woke up drenched in sweat...
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Have you ever wondered if the cow population will ever become extinct?People eat them you know..
I'm glad I don't! =)