Social Suicide

Saying Goodbye; Most Difficult Word To Say

Graduation came and a tribute to Nadia was given, and it was announced that the seniors summer began. The funeral for Nadia was being held next week, and Mia was going to attend as was a majority of the seniors, including some juniors. Amelia had passed on the information she was told to do to Tony, Lilly and Dee. All of them cried, begging to see the letter.

That evening on graduation, Amelia lost her virginity to Austin. She was completely in love with him.

As he held her close that night at the hotel they booked, Austin whispered those words that exposed every human being to the other.

“I love you Mia.” he muttered, kissing her temple. Amelia closed her eyes, and smiled.

“I love you too Austin.” she replied softly, before slowly drifting off to sleep. She dreamed of her Mom that night, her Mom waving goodbye to here before getting in a car and leaving her there.


“Heavenly father, we are gathered here today to say a fond farewell to our daughter, and friend Nadia-” the priest began the ceremony, it was held outside on the graveyard. Nadia was in the mahogany coffin, decorated in beautiful red roses. Relatives and friends had come, some dressed in black but the people that knew Nadia better dressed in colours, lovely colours. Amelia dressed in red.

She held her boyfriend’s hand tightly, hoping he’d never let go and tried not to allow her tears to show. She had appeared strong so far, she didn’t want to breakdown now.
Dee had come, as did Tony and they didn’t hide their relationship, which disgusted Lilly greatly. Jake had to prevent her from causing a fight. The music played was beautiful and the words spoken were sweet, Lilly read a poem:

The worst thing in life is to lose a friend,
A friend that means the world to you,
A friend that you put all your trust and faith in.
A friend you believe in from the start.
A friends that took the center of your heart.
A friend you’d die for,
A friend you wanted to cherish for a lifetime,
A friend,
A good friend,
A best friend.

It brought people to tears, Lilly cleared her throat, struggling to keep it together.

“Nadia was my best friend, and I’m going to miss her so much, if anything I wish I could have been there earlier, to help her as much as she helped me through my troubles. Nade….we love you.” Lilly said, choking back tears as she looked at her friend’s coffin.

People softly clapped, and after that Tony appeared at the podium.

“I’ve made so many mistakes and I know I’m going to forever live with them. But I’m also going to live with the dear memories Nadia gave me. I fell in love with her a long time ago, but as the year past we parted. I’ll never forget you Nadia.” Tony lied.

And it infuriated Mia. Nadia and Tony never parted, he cheated on her.

Soon, it was Mia’s turn to say a few words. She stepped up and cleared her throat.

“I know Nadia would have been severely touched to see everyone here today, and to hear all the beautiful words spoken from dear friends an family. When I first moved here, I was lost. I’ve had family troubles in the past and I was nervous coming to this high school. I’ll be honest, I was shocked to see how the school ran. Despite pretending to be somebody I’m not, I did meet some close friends on the way. Nadia was one of them, we had never been truly close but we were still friends. Throughout Nadia’s illness, we grew closer and she confided me in some things I think she’d want me to share. First off is that whatever has happened lately, she doesn’t hate anybody for it and she forgives everyone of you-” Mia said, eyeing Dee and Tony indirectly.

“Nadia was a lovely, wonderful girl who sadly couldn’t see her own beautiful potential. But I think we all know now, that for Nadia, she is in a better place. I just want to thank her for being a good friend to me, and being a genuinely good person.” Mia finished her small speech and people were crying still, but some smiles were seen.

Soft claps were heard as she came off the stage, Lilly rushed and hugged her, crying on her hysterically.

“This is so hard.” Lilly whispered, and Mia comforted, reassuring her that everything would be okay. The ceremony soon ended and Thomas was holding a get-together at his house, but Mia, Austin, Lilly, Jake, Dave and Zack respectfully declines, as did Dee and Tony. The 6 friends got in Jake’s car, and told him to drive where they wanted to celebrate Nadia’s life.

The beach.

Before Nadia got sick, Lilly and her would spend every summer and every hot day at the beach. So to celebrate Nadia’s life, they were going to go there. Within an hour, they arrived and they all gladly got out, stretching their limbs, shoes were abandoned and so were jackets and cardigans, as were ties from the guys.

Mia and Lilly instantly went to the water, whereas Jake and Dave went off to buy some food and beer, and Zack and Austin got out the beach stuff that had been pre-packed.

Mia and Lilly waded in the water, thankful their dresses ended at their needs. Mia relaxed, her feet cooling down. Lilly was unusually quiet, wading gently through the waves along the shore.

“You okay Lil?” Mia asked, already knowing her friend wasn’t okay.

“Do you think I could have saved her?” Lilly asked Mia, but didn’t look up from her feet. Mia was stumped, unknowing how to answer.

“Why you say that?” Mia asked unsure.

“Because, if she was my true best friend. She wouldn’t have left me. Or if I was a good best friend, I could have saved her.” Lilly said logically, trying not to cry again. Mia sighed softly, wondering how she could help Lilly.

“I think Nadia made her decision because she felt it was the best for her, not us. She was deeply unhappy, so I bet now she is happier, in heaven.” Mia tried.

Lilly scoffed. “Heaven? There’s no such thing…” Lilly said bitterly.

“How’d you know?” Mia chided.

“If she’s happier, then how come I have to be so damn miserable for it!” Lilly snapped, kicking the water and splashing herself and Mia. Mia didn’t say anything about it though.

“Because, we miss her.” Mia said firmly, and then made her way back to her brother, and boyfriend, hugging him tightly.

“You okay babe?” he asked, tucking a curl behind Mia’s ear. Mia shook her head, burying her head in his chest.

“Lilly’s right, this is hard.” Mia mumbled. Austin sighed, and stroked her head.

“Yeah, but it gets easier Mia, trust me.” Austin reassured softly, kissing her forehead. Mia nodded, and wiped her eyes.

“Okay, who’s hungry?” Dave said, as food was brought back. Soon, everyone excluding Lilly was eating. Lilly was still down by the sea, walking by herself. Part of Mia wanted to join her, but the other part didn’t want to answer her difficult questions or leave her boyfriends safe loving arms.

Soon, it was getting dark and people were leaving the beach, except the six friends. Lilly had finally stopped pacing and Jake took his chance to go check on her. Zack and Dave were talking quietly, and Austin was whispering Mia.

“Your speech today was very moving, Nadia’s Mom was crying.” Austin told her.

“It needed to be said.” Mia said monotone.


“Tony shouldn’t even spoke!” Lilly spat, as she heard that bastard’s name, she was walking closer to her friends. Well, some of.

“She’s right.” Mia agreed softly.

Austin nodded.

“So, who’s going to start?” Dave asked, a fire had been built to keep them warm, and the flames shadows flicked across everyone’s faces.

“Start what?” Zack asked confused.

“You know, talking about Nadia, it’s why we’re here right?” Dave said, Lilly silently sat down.

“Fine.” Lilly huffed. She knew she was going to be crying again later.

So that’s what they did, Lilly, Dave and Jake had the most memories and Mia had some too, Austin and Zack just marvelled and took it all in.

By midnight, they raised their beers, chinking and said together:

“Nadia Costello, may she rest in peace.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
Just wanted to say a huge, completely loved thank you to every single person who bothers to read this, all the subscribers, and commenters, if you don't know how much it really makes me smile to think my writing actually makes people interested, trust me. A lot :)

I have 10 stars, 121 subscribers and lots of commenters and I just wanna say:

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. If you ever need some more readers, ask me and I'll check out your stories, because really I do appreciate this. You've given me so much confidence with my writing :)

So sorry about the soppiness, it needed to be said.

Hope you like, please give feedback :) <33333

ps: the poem isn't mine, I found off google. I take no credit.