Starless Sky: The Dream Catcher's Curse

Keith and Elexus have been told all their lives that they were to wed the neighboring kingdom, for their land's benefit in war and trade, but both heirs aren't seeing eye to eye with their parents.

Keith was forced to heir the throne because of his brother's illness, and claims it unfair to bestow unnecessary vows to an unsuspecting ruler. Besides, he was more of a fighter than a leader.

Elexus thinks that maybe her life could be so much better if she didn't have to commit to her 'Queenly Duties' alongside a stubborn king, with so many lands and people to be discovered. Her twin was supposed to be king, anyway.

Concerned, their parents tried their best to convince them; They've never even met! How could they judge so blindly? What if maybe they'd spent time together and then decide?

Begrudgingly agreeing to the trip, both heirs are dumped on the lands' finest ship to sail the unexplored lands of Grethim. And so our story begins...