Status: On-going

Because I'm Here

Entry One

Tomas and I left Ossiton about an hour ago, heading for Indianapolis, Indiana, but he still can’t get over the fact that it’s pitch black out there and that our mothers are probably sobbing their eyes out. But I know it’ll be okay. I know it will. Because I’m here, and he’s here, and it’ll be the last time a moment like this can exist. Even if it doesn’t end well, I’m hoping against hope that it’ll end with us together still. Until he has to leave.

And that’s why we’re driving so slowly on the highway and making those stupid other cars beep at us. So he doesn’t have to leave too early. So we can make this moment equal as long as the word forever. But that’s the problem. Forever is just a word, and in the real world, forever isn’t really forever.