Status: On-going

Because I'm Here

Entry Two

We’ll be driving into Illinois sooner or later. But for now, I’ve decided to rest. I’ve never liked traveling well. Too much sitting in cars and getting leg cramps and not enough wind and stretching.

My dad called Tomas’s cellphone a little after we drove out of Indianapolis, and the strangest thing happened. My dad, he started shouting like it was the end of the world. I had never heard him voluntarilly scream so loudly before. But I didn’t like it, because he was saying the most awful things to Tomas. He was spewing out words that shouldn’t be coming out of people’s mouths so fast it was hard for me to keep track of every single one, but I’m sure he squeezed in every swear he could think of in that short minute.

Tomas is a very reasonable person, but he’s really not too good at dealing with pressure. He threw the phone at my lap after several seconds and I could see him tensing up—his shoulders tightening and his knuckles turning white. I couldn’t get my dad to shut up. I kept yelling at him that it was me, but I guess he couldn’t hear over his own screaming. It wasn’t until my mom finally noticed my voice and stopped him. But I didn’t care anymore. I closed it and tossed it into the glove compartment. Then, I made Tomas pull over and get in the back seat. He’s driving again now, more intent than ever to get to Kansas. He has on his serious face, with his eyebrows turned inwards and his teeth clenched a little too tightly.I hope he’s okay.

But I feel so bad, because that was my very own father talking to the love of my life. I’m scared that he won’t ever accept Tomas. I’m scared that Tomas will reject my father. And I’m so scared that Tomas will reject me. What if running off like this was a bad idea? I mean, we’re planning on going back to Indiana after our little outing, but what if it’s the last straw for them? Our parents don’t really like each other too much already. I’m pretty sure our fathers loathe each other, but what if this act was the complete edge for the both of them?