We've Got More Than We Know

When's The Wedding?

“Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma,” I hear from behind me as I was putting a little bit of make up on.

I looked in the mirror and saw Tanner holding Mason in his arms. I smiled before I turned around and went over to him. He held his arms out for me and I gladly took him from his sexy daddy, adding a kiss to his smooth little cheeks.

“Mommy’s leaving tonight,” Tanner pouted while crossing his arms to lean against the doorframe.

“It’s only dinner,” I told my lover, not letting his little pouty faces get their way tonight.

“You and Kirstie see each other all the time. Why do you need to go out for dinner?” Tanner kept right on it.

“Because sometimes mommies need time away from the daddies,” I teased while gently bouncing my little boy, making him smile. It looks so much like Tanner’s.

“He’s going to go through separation anxiety,” Tanner shot back playfully, referring to our little one.

“No, he’s not,” I replied, giving Mason a few kisses, sending him into a fit of giggles.

“He’s at that age…” Tanner smirked.

“You think you’re just so cute, don’t you, Tanner?” I teased over at him.

He grinned at me innocently before he walked over and wrapped his arms around the two of us.

“Da da da da da da,” Mason started in again.

“Just look at that cute little face. You’re not going to see it until you get back,” Tanner poked once again.

“You need to stop it,” I told him, smacking his stomach softly.

He just chuckled before I walked out of his arms to finish what I was doing before he came in and tried to distract me with our cute baby. I placed him on the counter and stood in front of him while I finished up. Tanner was there to make him giggle. This cute thing won’t work, Tanny!

Once I was done, I picked Mason back up and gave him more kisses since he was probably going to be in bed by the time I get back from dinner. I carried him downstairs and bounced him around a little more before I had to go. Tanner still wasn’t liking the idea. But he has to start leaving for his races soon. He can spend a little more quality time with his son. And I needed to spend some quality time with Kirstie… and Todd.

Yes, Kirstie, Todd and I were all going out tonight. I just failed to mention to Tanner that Todd was going to be there. But once I got into my car and was driving to get Kirstie, she called me… she couldn’t come tonight. Stupid Joshua Grant! I knew he had something to do with it! But I just went right on to the restaurant to meet Todd. His face fell a little once he just saw me, but he still smiled.

“Kirstie told me she couldn’t come. She didn’t really give a reason,” I shrugged.

“Grant,” Todd muttered.

“My thoughts exactly,” I giggled.

He went on to tell me what he’s been up too. They’re really positive things too. Not party after party after party. All of it seemed to be focused around his riding. And I thought that was awesome. If this was the Todd I was with a few years ago, who knows where Tanner would have been.

“I want to see your baby,” he said once he stopped rambling about himself told me what was going on with him.

“He’s cute,” I smiled as I got my phone out to bring a picture of him up.

“All baby’s are cute though,” he had to smirk.

“Shut up, Todd,” I threw back, showing him the image on my phone.

“Aw, what’s his name?” he smiled.

“Mason Carter Foust,” I beamed.

“He has Tanner’s name even though you’re two aren’t married yet?” he asked with his eyebrow raised.

“We’re engaged,” I shot back, flashing off my ring playfully.

“When’s the wedding?” he countered.

“When… it happens,” I muttered.

“You guys haven’t planned it yet?” he kept poking.

“Tanner’s busy… and then we have Mason. It’s going to happen though,” I battled back.

He nodded his head, but he did it in a yeah, right like way. I just stuck my tongue out at him, making him chuckle.

“All teasing aside, you seem really happy with him,” he added.

“I am,” I sighed happily.

Shortly after this, we left. Todd walked me to my car though. This was sweet of him. I like this Todd a whole lot better than the Todd I dated a few years ago. He’s going to make one special lady happy some day.

“Thanks for doing this. It means a lot,” he told me once we were sharing an embrace.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re doing so well. I may have to bring Mason to a contest,” I smiled after we parted.

“That’d be awesome. Get him into dirt bikes,” he grinned.

I just rolled my eyes playfully and then said goodbye to him. I’m glad I came tonight. Tanner may not approve if and when I tell him, but Todd’s a good guy. He just made a few mistakes when he was drinking. And now that he seems to be on the right track, I hope that we can be at least friends.
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I told you guys good things come to those who wait! lol jk

Ky & Toddie
