We've Got More Than We Know

Are We Cool?

Today we were going over to Kylee’s house to put an end to Keegan and josh hating each other. I didn’t tell Josh and Keegan doesn’t know either but I just hope that both of them can act like adults and put this behind them. I’ve forgiven both of them and Josh has forgive me and I know Keegan has too, why can’t they forgive each other? Men are so dumb at times.

“Why didn’t Emma come with us?” Josh asked as we got out of the car.

“Because we’re just planning wedding stuff and I didn’t want to bore her,” I kind of lied.

“But I’m going to be bored,” He groaned with a teasing smile.

“You were so good helping plan our wedding though,” I battled.

“But that’s cause I love you,” He cooed.

As Josh and I walked into the living room where Keegan and Kylee were sitting together while Mason was sitting in Ky’s lap. Keegan shot daggers into Josh through his eyes and Josh did the same. I wanted to roll my eyes at them.

“I think you two need to talk,” Kylee spoke up while looking at Keegan and Josh.

“What? You mean talk about how he treated a sweet girl like Kirstie horribly for no reason?” Keegan shot.

“You don’t need to be judging me or my marriage,” Josh threw back. “Yeah we were going through a rough spot but we’re over than and it’s none of your business anyway!”

“When it affects someone that I care about then it is my business!” Keegan countered while standing up.

”Well that someone happens to be my wife!” Josh battled. ”And you kissed her!”

“It’s not my fault she needed someone and I cared for her while you left her and your daughter,” He mumbled out.

”I was training!” Josh defended.

“Nice to know that your training comes before your family,” Keegan rolled his eyes.

“I’ve had just about enough of you,” He growled.

“Now you know how I felt the second I met you,” Keegan smirked.

At this point Kylee stepped in between them so they didn’t do anything drastic.

“I think both of you need to just chill, okay?” Kylee said while trying to diffuse the situation. “Both of you need to grow up and handle this like adults!”

“Maybe if he acted like an adult I would!” Keegan shot at Josh.

“I think both of you need to hear Kirstie. Both of you keep ranting on about how it affected you but what about her?” Ky asked. “Kirstie, want to say something.”

“I don’t really want to,” I softly said.

“Just tell them how you felt with both of their actions,” She prodded.

“Yeah honey, you don’t have to take sides,” Josh reassured me.

“Okay…” I started nervously.

“Go on,” Keegan poked.

“Well, I felt lonely when Josh left and it… hurt me. When Keegan and I kissed, I acknowledge I had a big part in it, but I feel like he took advantage of my emotional state a little bit,” I whispered.

“See how you made her feel? Can’t you at least get along for Kirstie’s sake and for my sake?” Ky asked them.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Josh said while rubbing the back of his neck.

“We kind of did act a little childish,” Keegan stated.

“A lot childish,” Kylee and I simultaneously said.

“So… are we cool?” Josh asked while holding his hand out to Keegan.

Keegan looked at his hand for a minute before shaking it and saying, “Yeah, we’re cool bro.”

”Yeah!” Kylee and I shouted while Mason let out a giggle. He’s such a good baby, he sat on the couch quietly this whole time!

I hope that they really can put all this stuff behind them. Like I said, I honestly think they could be good friends if they didn’t hate each other and hopefully now they won’t hate each other!
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that is very true Kylee.
but i'm also pumped because....THE SEAHAWKS WON AGAINST THE SAINTS! YEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
