We've Got More Than We Know

He's A Cool Little Dude

Since Todd and I have been getting along so well lately, I thought it was about time he met Mason. Keegan was out for the night with a few friends. He told me not to wait up, so I’m taking this as he’s going to be gone for awhile, giving me plenty of time with Todd.

“Are you excited to meet one of mommy’s friends?” I asked Mason as he crawled over to me in the kitchen as I was popping popcorn.

He went on to coo happily as I reached down to pick him up. Once the microwave dinged, he looked at me with a big smile on his face. My baby likes popcorn… thanks to his Uncle Keegan. But as I started walking into the living room, there was a knock on the door. I smiled, knowing who it was.

“Dada?” Mason asked, making me pout at him.

“You’ll see dada soon, sweetheart,” I told him after I left a kiss on his cheek.

Tanner gets him every weekend now, which I think works lovely since he races pretty much every weekend. But hey, that’s what the judge ordered. Tonight though, all thoughts of Tanner are long gone. Todd was sharing a movie night with Mason and I.

“Hey,” I smiled once I opened the door and he stepped inside.

“Hi… is this Mason?” he countered with a full grin as his dark eyes traveled to the little boy I was holding.

“Yes, it is. Say, hi Todd,” I told my little boy, but he seemed to be a bit shy. He went on to nuzzle his little nose into the crook of my neck.

“Aw, Todd’s sad,” Todd pouted, trying to get anything out of Mason… it wasn’t happening tonight.

“He hasn’t really been around any other guy except Keegan and…” I trailed off, hoping he got the hint.

“We’ll be buds. Look what I brought for you, Mase,” Todd went on with his hands behind his back.

But once Mason slowly turned his head to look at Todd, he pulled out a movie and a stuffed bear… Lots O Huggin Bear and the movie Toy Story 3. Mason’s little face lit up as Todd held the bear out to him. My boy gladly hugged onto it.

“You brought my son a pink bear,” I giggled as we walked into the living room.

“That smells like strawberries!” he countered, making me smile.

“Say thank you, Toddie,” I told Mason, but he was just clinging to that bear.

I gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head before I sat him down on the couch to put the movie in. Mason loves Toy Story, but we haven’t watched the third one yet. Once I went back to the couch and sat next to Todd, Mason kept his distance. He was still unsure of the scruffy thing known as Todd Potter… but he sure loved that bear.

As the movie went on, Todd’s arm rested on the back of the couch. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he was going to do… And I didn’t stop him. Once his arms finally worked their way around my shoulder, I smiled and hugged onto Todd’s middle, curling up against him just a bit. When this happened, Mason slid down off of the couch, leaving his bear behind to sit on the floor to watch the movie.

“I can leave if you want me too,” Todd whispered to me so that Mason couldn’t hear.

“No… I want you here,” I told him, glancing up into those brown eyes of his.

A small smile curled across those plump lips, bringing a bright red color across my face. I went on to nuzzle my way into his chest, making his arms tighten around me. This is how we sat for the rest of the movie… with Mason on the floor.

“Mason, do you know what mommy and Aunt Kirstie call Todd?” I asked him once he turned around and looked at me. He just looked at me strangely… he looked way too much like Tanner. “Toddie Bear,” I went on with a smile, bringing my sons across his face too.

This made him crawl back over to the couch and climb up onto it. He planted himself on my lap and reached over for his Lots O. After it was in my arms, he turned to Todd.

“Beaw” he smiled while bouncing up and down.

“Yes, honey. Todd got you a bear,” I grinned, stroking his thick hair.

“Woddie Beaw,” Mason smiled while looking up at him.

“Can Woddie Beaw have a hug?” I asked him while rubbing his tiny back.

Without anything else being said, Mason reached up and wrapped his little arms around Todd’s neck. I pushed out an aw as this happened. It was cute. And gave me hope that I can have a man in my life… that may not be Todd! We’re friends! That’s it!

“Do you like Toddie?” I asked while resting my head on Todd’s shoulder.

He replied by nodding his head with a huge smile on his face. It was adorable.

“Mommy likes him too,” I went on, giving Todd a hug.

“BEAW!” Mason squealed while clapping his little hands together.

“Now I have to hear it from him too,” Todd groaned playfully, making Mason giggle… and then he let out a big yawn. “Aw, is someone tired?” Todd cooed at him.

“Say, it’s past my bedtime, Toddie,” I spoke up for him.

“Uh oh. We have a sleepy boy,” Todd smiled as he got up with Mason in arms.

I followed Todd up to Mason’s room where he helped me get him ready for bed. Todd did most of it. He even tucked my baby into bed… and left a kiss on the top of his head. I gave him the bear that he had brought for Mason and he laid it next to the sleepy boy. Mason gladly cuddled up to it.

“Night, honey,” I told him as I bent down to leave a soft kiss where Todd did.

Mason let out a tired sigh and let his little eyes close. I smiled as I walked out of the room, shutting the door once Todd walked out.

“Well, tonight was… ok,” I told him while we walked to the door.

“It went better than I thought. Kirstie told me I was going to scare him,” he chuckled.

“Maybe we can make this a routine thing. Mason seemed to enjoy it once he warmed up to you,” I suggested.

“I think you liked it too,” he smirked, bringing his usual cockiness back through.

“You didn’t seem to complain either, Toddie,” I told him, poking his chest as I spoke.

“I like Mason though. He’s a cool little dude,” Todd smiled.

“I love him,” I grinned.

“Aw, proud mommy,” Todd cooed while pinching my cheek gently.

“Shut up,” I shot at him, swatting his hand away through a smile.

This started a little poking war between us… for some reason. He kept getting my stomach too, making me giggle. In my final efforts, I threw both of my hands at him at the same time, but he caught them and held onto them, pulling me against his chest with both of us laughing.

Once that laughter died down, we kind of just… stared into each other’s eyes. All the good times we shared came back to me. Todd and I weren’t together that long, but… we shared a few good times. But once the thought of pressing my lips against his came over me, I quickly backed away. He seemed to have the same idea.

“Well, I had fun. Next week sound good?” he asked quickly while opening the door.

“Yeah,” I told him through a small smile.

We went on to say our goodbyes. After he was in his truck, I shut the door and leaned against it, letting a few sighs escape me. I don’t have feelings for Todd… I don’t have feelings for Todd. I don’t have feelings for Todd! Even if I did, I still think it’s too soon to bring another man into Mason’s life. He seemed a little iffy with Todd, but… hopefully that changes over time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, Todders :D lol

Ky & Todd
