We've Got More Than We Know

I'm Not Mother Nature

We filed off the plane and piled into the waiting area. This should be fun. I have an eleven month old who has the attention span of a whole two seconds! What am I supposed to do until further notice? Between Kirstie and I, we had about a while half hour of enjoyment for the kids. This is going to be wonderful!

But thankfully, Todd is this weird… genius. And I’m using genius loosely here. But he brought movies! I brought my laptop and the kids watched movies on my laptop… for a whole ten minutes.

“Mommy, I’m bored,” Emma groaned while collapsing onto Kirstie’s lap.

“Aw, I know, sweetie. But we have to wait,” Kirstie told her while stroking her hair.

Josh went on to say something Josh like, but Mason came slamming into my lap, getting my attention. He was bored all right.

“I knew I should have packed him more toys in my carry on,” I complained while sliding down on the floor where Todd was sitting, trying to entertain Mason. He obviously failed.

“No one can predict these things. You just have to deal with it,” Josh spoke up.

“Since when are you all ‘oh, I love the airport!’? I asked, shooting a look at him.

“Really, Josh. We all know this sucks. And when you try to make it seem better, it just makes us realize how horrible airports are,” Todd spoke up, obviously annoyed.

“Well, I’m with Kirstie. That’s all I need,” he said, hooking his arms around her.

“Well, I’m with Ky. But I rather be at home with her and…” Todd muttered, making Mason wobble over and place his little hand over Todd’s mouth, cutting off his words.

We all got a kick out of this. I fell over onto the floor from this. Without even seeing his lips, I knew Todd was pouting from behind Mason’s little hands. I crawled over to the two and kissed Todd’s cheek. Mason left is hand there though.

“Wow, Todd, even Mason can’t stand to hear you talk,” Kirstie giggled.

Todd went on to say something, but his voice was muffled from his plump lips being pressed against Mason’s little hands. Oh this was so cute. Todd’s eyebrows were wrinkled up though, proving that he was really pouting.

“It’s ok, Todder’s. I love hearing your husky voice,” I smiled while wrapping my arms around my two boys.

Through Mason’s hand, I could see the corners of Todd’s lips curl up into a smile. Thankfully, Mason removed his hand and sat on Todd’s lap so that we could share a kiss that was yummy.

“Ew! Save it for home,” Kirstie told us, flicking something at the two of us.

Once we parted, both of us shot looks at her. Of course this made the whole Grant gang lose it in a fit of laughter.

“And I hate that there is no privacy in airports!” Todd shot at them.

“Well, duh, it is a public place, Todd,” Kirstie told him in a duh like fashion.

“Shut up,” Todd told her, making all of us laugh except Todd.

After my giggles left, I snuggled up to Todd and kissed his cheek again. He just went on to pout while he crossed his arms across his chest. Aw, my poor baby. But as I was giving Todd kisses on his cheek to make him better, my phone buzzed from my pocket, scaring me slightly. I sighed once I saw who it was… Tanner.

“Hey,” I answered reluctantly.

“Are you going to be home tonight so I can pick Mason up?” he asked in an annoyed tone. He could be a little nicer.

“I don’t know. Our flight’s delayed right now,” I told him as Mason started crawling onto my lap.

“I haven’t seen him for a week. I’m not ok with this,” he replied, just rubbing me the wrong way.

“I can’t control the weather, Tanner. I’m not mother nature,” I shot at him.

“You took him away from me for a week. How am I supposed to feel about this?” he snapped.

“DADDY!” Mason squealed once he heard Tanner’s voice.

“Can I at least talk to him?” Tanner asked, much calmer than before.

I didn’t even answer. I just held the phone to Mason’s ear. He said hello in his cute little toddler way. Once Tanner said something, Mason’s face lit up so much. It put the biggest smile on my face. As their little conversation went on, Todd coiled his arm around my waist and then reached over to leave a soft kiss on my shoulder.

Sometimes I wish Tanner and I could have worked things out for Mason’s sake. My parents have always been together. I always felt so bad for the kids that had separated parents in anyway. I told myself I would never have that for my kids… and now I do. But I have a great guy in my life right now. He accepts Mason in a way that I have never expected him to. And he treats the two of us so nicely. We’re never backseat to anything.

After Mason walked away from the phone, I just hung up. I didn’t want to talk to the person on the other line anymore. I know I should attempt to have a decent… whatever I need to have with that man, but… I don’t want too. I honestly would just like to forget about him and move on with this amazing thing Todd and I have going on.
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Yeah, but it's still funny! and the guys pick on Tanner! like a lot lol it's cute :D


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