Dancing The Full Moon

Chapter 1

“Hey Blaze look at this punk” Keysha laughed as she threw me a werewolf pup.

“What the hell!? Where did you find this?!” I hissed as I grabbed it by the neck. It’s dead, oh my gosh, we are going to be in deep shit.

“Dammit Keysha, why did you bring it, you should have left it” I snarled throwing the dead body to the ground.

“Damn Blaze, it is just a pup, we are vampires for our king sake, werewolves are our enemy, I was helping our kind by killing one, now we have less enemies.” She shrugged.

Yes we are vampires, and yes werewolves are our enemies, it’s been like that for century, when we are born we are immediately send to a boarding school for vampires, there they tell us to never trust a werewolf or if you see one, you should kill him or her, we are trained to be prepare for war starting from five.
My option is, that all we are doing is stupid, the war is stupid, us being enemy is stupid, but what can I do? If I try to denied doing something our King say (which I hate him so much) I am going to be beaten to dead.
We vampires have a lot of rules, but the ones who are ‘important’ as the elders say are:
1. Never be friends with a werewolf.
2. Never EVER fall in love with a werewolf, your punishment will be death.

And does are the most ‘important’. I hate being a vampire, I hate living this life, I hate this stupid war, I hate Keysha. But I can’t do anything about it, I can’t change that I’m a vampire, I can’t change anything in this life, can’t stop the war, and can’t do nothing about Keysha, since she is in my team. OH I forgot to mention that, vampires can’t travel alone in the woods, we are assigned in teams, we will forever be a group until death bring us apart (and that is a LONG time, trust me)

In the groups are only seven vampires, can’t be less (only when one dies), can’t be more than seven.

It’s me, Keysha, Maria, Johan, Kevin, Tanya, Joel and Richard.

Maria is the serious one.

Tanya is the smart one.

Joel is the annoying one.

Johan is the expert in tracking.

Kevin is the jerk.

Keysha is the one who loves to kill and hunt the werewolves

And there is me, the best in fighting and the leader.

My full name is Blaze Brooklyn De La Moon, yes I know, weird name, but what can I say? Don’t even know my father and mother so I can’t tell you why that is my name, I am the only vampire that I know, that hates killing werewolves, and doesn’t like her kind.

Hearing loud growls around us, broke me out of my thoughts.

“Dammit, see what you did?” I hissed at Keysha getting my two swords out of my back (you know? The thing dudes use to hang their sword in the back? Yea that XP)

“Oh take it easy, there are just ten- no wait, there’s more” Keysha laughed grabbing her knife.

“Get in position everybody” I order, eyes in the woods.

Suddenly four werewolves appeared in front of me, three on the left were Keysha and Maria were and three were Kevin, Johan and Tanya were.

The snarled and growled at us.

“It’s go time” Keysha said as the werewolves made the first mood.

One of the wolves jumped, I kneeled and lifted my sword stabbing him in the stomach and running the sword forward as he landed, slicing him in two.

Two more jumped towards me, I dropped my swords and grabbed both the wolves by the face and threw them with all my force towards a tree, turning around I didn’t saw that paw of the last wolf left, and it went directly to my face, scratching my right side.

“Shit” I cursed, touching my right side with my hand, it was bleeding like hell! Well a good thing about being a vampire is that we heal fast.

The wolf attacked again, but this time I was ready and grabbed her by the neck.

“Damn girl, I hate to do this but I have no choice” I whisper to her and snapped her neck.

“Everyone finished?” I asked as I turned to my group, to find Kevin’s body in the ground, unmoving.

“I’m sorry Blaze, we didn’t saw the wolf, when we saw him, it was too late” Tanya apologies.

“I cannot believe the jerk is dead, like waoh, he acted all strong and all, and look at him now dead like a fish” Keysha laughed.

In a flash I had her by the neck “Watch out, Keysha, you should respect your teammates or do you want to end like him?” I asked trough gritted teeth’s.

“Alright alright, I’m sorry” She said, with one last look, I dropped her.

“Joel pick Kevin’s body and bring it to the castle, Maria, Tanya and Keysha, go with him,
Johan help me burn this bodies” I order, they quickly nodded and did what they were told.

“Grab does bodies and put them together while I get the other ones” I said while I walked to the bodies closer to the dark part of the woods.

Grabbing the smallest one and the pup I felt a weird feeling, looking around the woods, I saw something move in the shadows, shaking my head, believing it was my imagination I started to pull the body toward the other ones, once there. I walked back to the other body left, bad choice.

As I grabbed the body something heavy jumped on my back making me fall forward, into the dead body.

I heard Johan scream.

I turned around pushing the heavy wolf out of my back, and you know what? I think the view
was better when I was seeing the fur of the dead dog than this view, because seeing like sixteen wolves surrounding you and Johan heads in one way and her body in the other way, was not cool.

I slowly stood up, they growled, but I ignored them. I dropped the swords to the ground, got out my gun and my knife, threw them in the floor, and ripped my silver collar.

When I finish I turned to them “Alright who’s killing me? I want to thank him or her for killing me because that means, no more stupid king to order me around, not hate my life anymore, and ATLAST be without that fucking Keysha.” I said.

“No one’s killing you” I boy with spiky brown hair appeared from all of does wolves, in clothes of course. lol

“Soo much for freedom” I groaned.

“Death is not freedom” He said.

“For me it is” I glared.

“Interesting, a vampire who hates her life, never heard of one before” He said examining me.

I smile a vampire smile, showing my fangs, some wolves growled as they saw them but didn’t move “Well you’re seeing one”

Changing the subject I asked “why don’t you kill me? What do you want from me? I don’t have anything.”

The guy smile “Oh but you have, we been watching you for years, you see our Alpha has an interest in you, and he wants to meet you, wants to make a deal with you”

“A deal with me?” I asked.

“Yes, come, we shall meet him now” He said nodding he’s head telling me to follow him.

“It’s not like I have a choice” I mumble and follow him.


OK walking with wolves surrounding you makes you feel uncomftable(sp?), and imagine you been the only vampire and entering werewolves’ territory, sounds horrible I know D:
Slowly wolves that were surrounding us walked away, knowing I couldn’t escape.

Only one wolf stayed with us.

Watching my every move, waiting for me to strike any moment.

I said I didn’t like killing wolves, but I surely want to kill this one, is annoying the hell out of me.

“What is a vampire doing here?!” a voice growled, making me brake our glared contest that
I didn’t even know we had.

Looking in front of me, I see that in front of us was a man growling at me, not letting us go in to the field where ‘like the spiky dude said’, the alpha was meeting us.

“Move Stanley, the vampire is with me our Alpha wants to see her” Spiky hair boy growled back.

“The alpha didn’t mention he was meeting a vampire, Damien” Stanley glared at me.

“Well he mention it to me so move” Damien growled.

With one last glance Stanley shifted to a brownish wolf and ran towards the woods with the other wolf I was glaring at.

“Come on, the alpha is coming soon” Damien order.

As soon as we were in the field, a black wolf appeared, behind him two more, the black wolf was the biggest wolf I have ever seen, and beautiful too, never in my entire life, I’ve seen a black wolf.

When the black wolf was a few feet close to us, he shifted to the most handsome boy(or should I say man? Blah for me it’s the same XP) I have ever seen, he’s black hair hiding he’s green eyes, he- woah, hold it Blaze, he’s a werewolf for goodness sake, don’t think like that.

Damien vowed “Knight, sir, here is the girl”

The boy smile showing he’s sharp teeth’s “Good, you shall leave Damien, bring does two with you” he order. Damien nodded and he and the two guards left.

“Why didn’t you let them kill me?” I asked him.

“I’ve been watching you for years, Blaze.” He said.

Woah, he sounds like a stalker “How do you know my name? And what do you want?” I hissed.

He’s eyes turned black, but quickly turned normal “Like I told you, I’ve been watching you for years, that’s why I know your name and I want to make a deal with you” He said.

“What is it that you want?” I asked.

“Dance with me in the full moon, and I’ll give you freedom.” He said.

I gasped “Your suppose to dance with your mate, I am not your mate, I’m a vampire, we are suppose to be enemy”

Oh Yea you don’t know what he was meaning. Alright sooo vampires and werewolves, when there’s a full moon they dance with their love ones, dancing with them, means claiming them as their love partner for eternity, then comes the sex, we vampires when we dance, all the vampires in our kingdom watch us, and when we first have sex with them, they watch it too, it kind of disgusting and embarrassing. While in the other hand, werewolves dance with their unclaimed mate and then when it’s time to bring the sex (lol) they chase each others, so no, they don’t have sex in public, like the pervert vampires.

“I need a mate, I only have two more full moon, when the second full moon pass, I will become a wild wolf, and I will go hunting and killing whatever I find in my way.”

“Then why don’t you choose a female from your pack?” I asked.

“They all want me for power, I can’t have a female who doesn’t know what power truly is” He explained.

“And I do?” I asked.


I shook my head “This is insane, I want a real mate to love, not this” I growled.

“Don’t you want freedom? Freedom for eternity?” He asked.

Two minutes of silence passed, he watching my every move and I thinking what to choose.

I sighed defeated “I will do it, but not for freedom, but to try end this war” I said.

He smile he’s wolfy smile “Deal”
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Hope you like it :)