Dancing The Full Moon

Chapter 5

Jacoby POV

“You have something mine Jacoby” Jack hissed as I open the door and stood outside.
Werewolves surrounded him, growling and snarling.

“I have nothing of yours, Jack. I do not know what you’re talking about” I calmly replied.

“You have my female” Jack snarled.

“Female?! What female are you talking about Jack?”

“You know whom I’m talking about, Jacoby. The girl is mine, she’s mine to touch” He snarled.

“Are you talking about Blaze?”

“Yes that.”

“First, she is not a that, second, she is not yours, you do not own her and third you touch her and I will rip your head off” I growled.

“Do not tell me what to do! I want my female now!” He hissed.

“She’s not yours!” I snarled taking a step forward; the werewolves did the same growling more loudly.

“She’s not yours neither!” He snarled back.

“I am his” Blaze said as she appeared in the door. With a…..pink letter?

She walked towards me and grabbed my hand. It felt nice, warm and right.

“No you’re not, your mine, you’re a vampire, not one of these mutts. Vampires go with vampires, werewolves goes with retards” The werewolves snarled taking one step closer.

“You’re in my land, Jack, not in yours. I can do whatever I want with you, I don’t care if you’re a prince. In here, you’re nothing but a dead body” I snarled.

“Then give my female, and I’ll leave peacefully”

“I am not yours dude, who in the hell will be with you, you’re a crazy maniac” Blaze rolled her eyes.

Blaze POV

In seconds Jack had me by the neck, my back in the wall “Watch out, you will respect your future king and partner for life” He warned.

“Partner my ass” I hissed, blood coming out of my mouth. Didn’t I tell you that if a vampire get’s hit just a little in the neck, blood comes out of your mouth, and if they hit you freaking hard in the neck, like with a stick made of metal or something more hard, you can die. It’s horrible I know, we don’t even know why it happens.

Jacoby growled and grabbed Jack by he’s hair and pulled him back making Jack release me, ok more like Jacoby threw him all the way towards a tree a few kilometers away, or maybe more.

“I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH HER” Jacoby roared. Protective much?

The werewolves ran towards Jack, growling and snarling, but stopped halfway as Jacoby shouted them to stop.

“You will pay, you will all pay” Jack hissed and disappeared into the woods.

“Are you alright?” Jacoby asked when Jack was out of sight.

“Yea I am” I responded, spiting blood.

“Here read this, I’m going to Change” I said handling (?) him the pink letter and walking in the house. Ignoring the stares and silence, this is soooo not my day!

Jacoby POV

I read the letter twice, making sure what I was reading was true, fuck! It is! And the date is today! She’s coming today!!

“Damien I need you to put some guards in all our borders and when you see that bitch coming I want you to not let her in, if you need to use force, use it” I order him, he nodded and disappear, all the werewolves too, sensing I wasn’t in a good mode.

I growled running a hand trough my hair, this day is so not mine!

I went to my room and lay on the bed.

If you are wondering who is the bitch. Well let me tell you from the beginning. I went to visit a pack, To talk to the Alpha, we were having some problems at the time, when I got there I notice he had two daughters and he’s mate died. Their name were Cassie smith and Missy Smith, Cassie was twelve and Missy was 18, I was 20 then, she thought(thinks) I was her ‘mate’ and since then she started following me everywhere, until one day I didn’t take it anymore and order some guards to kick her out and never let her in again. But that didn’t stop her for trying, one year passed and I haven’t heard from her until now.

The letter says:

‘Dear Jacoby,

I’ve been missing you so much, and I’ve been to the conclusion to take it to the next step. You know dancing in the full moon? I can’t wait! I love you so much! I’m going to be there on December 11, I can’t wait to finally kiss you!

Your mate,

Disgusting, I just have to hate the number 11, because today is eleven!!!

I mentally groaned, gosh I just want to kill that freak.

She thinks, she’s my mate, but the truth is Bl-

“You should probably mate with her instead of me, she is a werewolf after all” Blaze said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look at her with a ‘are you crazy?!’ look “When I go to hell is the day I’m mating with her” I said.

“Why do you hate her? She sounds like she loves you and she’s your mate after all” Blaze shrugged leaning against the wall.

“She is not my mate; she just thinks she is… which disgust me. Does she not know, that the male are the ones who choose the person they want to forever live with? To forever love?” I asked to no one in particular.

“You said it yourself, they choose, not decide. The females are the one who decide if you males are worthy enough for them and their future Childs” Blaze said.

Seconds after she said that I was in front of her, locking eyes with her “And am I worthy enough for you?” I whisper/asked.

Blaze POV

Freak! He just had to ask that! Oh well let’s have some fun shall we…

I kept my face blank and answer him “Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t” I gently touched he’s chest with my hand.

He shivers under my touch, and I mentally smirked, this dude is tooo easy.

“So there’s a possibility that is a yes?” He shakily asked.

“Maybe” I seductively answer leaning slowly forward, he too.

Suddenly there was a scream at the door, making us break apart.

Way to go girl, came and ruin my fun.