‹ Prequel: Shattering Crystals
Status: Active

Twisted Returns

drowning in my own thoughts

We continue walking for what seems like hours. And yet, I remind myself, no time has passed at all.

Who knows how far the palace is? My calf muscles protest, wanting to give up and rest. But surely it can't be far.

We keep going and going, with nothing to fill the silence. Not any natural sounds and not anyone speaking. Before, I had the cold to distract me. But now, in our bubble of safety and warmth, there is nothing to stop the memories.

Connor and I, sitting on the beach. Connor and I, laughing at horror movies. Connor and I, having our first fight. Connor and I, making up. It all felt so perfect.

Each memory burns. Not like fire, but rather acid, eating away at my insides. So close to physical pain, yet nothing like it. Remembering is hard, but forgetting is worse.

Eventually, I'm pulled out of those memories. I didn't realize that a castle stands before us. It should be a big deal - we've finally made it. But it doesn't seem important...

The castle itself seems to radiate light. Around the building is a large moat. The water glows subtly.

"How do we get in?" Lorraine says. I think nothing of this until I realize that she's waiting for me to answer.

It would help if I actually knew the answer. Marigold? I ask, even though I know it's hopeless. As expected, there's no answer.

And suddenly, I'm drowning in my own thoughts...

Unlike regular thoughts, where the pictures only exist in your mind, I can see them before my eyes, feel the difference in the air. The night disappears and light floods into my vision. And yet, I know none of this is actually real.

I find myself standing before the castle. But instead of walking towards the palace, I turn away. I walk towards a tree with light blue leaves. I place my palm on the thin trunk and a staircase appears, leading underground.

Just as suddenly as it came, the picture fades away. It leaves my mind slightly foggy, like waking up from a dream.

"That tree is a portal," I manage to say without slurring. "Put your hand on it."

Lorraine does just so. A frown forms on her face as nothing happens. "What's wrong? Why isn't it working?"

"I think it only registers my magic or something," I say. I stumble by the tree and press my palm into the trunk. The tunnel appears.

"Okay," Lorraine says. "Let's go."


The light is blinding. We step out of the tunnel and into what appears to be a guest bedroom. There's a soft, glowing quality about the light, but it hurts to look anywhere. My eyes probably just haven't adjusted yet.

Looking around, I can see that this room isn't really any different than a regular bedroom. A soft, comfortable looking bed, a desk, and an object that somewhat resembles a television.

But it's really the walls that are noteworthy. They look like a mixture of frosted glass and ice, almost. And yet it's entirely different. We can see into them, but we can't see past them. They also seem to reflect the colors of the room. It's pretty, but it's going to take some getting used to.

"Is this your bedroom?" Elise asks, a hint of envy in her voice. The room is in all shades of shimmering gold - her favorite.

"I... I don't think so," I answer. "My room was... blue. With a huge window, I think."

Faded memories start to reappear. A hall with thrones, a long dining table. But I can't make sense of them.

"Where are we supposed to go from here?" Lorraine asks, her arms around her stomach.

"We have to find Marigold and - and an angel? I think time will start up again, if we do. But I don't know where to start."

"But this place is huge! We can't search this whole thing... Are you sure you don't know anything?"

"I don't know any more than you know," I tell her.

"Logically," Andrew says, "where would they be? Somewhere important, I'm sure."

"Her study," I say suddenly. "She would be in her study, I think."

"Where would that be?"

"I have no idea."


Eyes staring, unblinking. Mouths open, no sound coming out. Expressions of terror all over their faces. These are the people I used to love.

If they were stuck like this forever, it would be all my fault. But somehow, I still wish for my other choice.

These people have no idea what is happening. They don't know that nearly sixteen years have passed. Though their bodies and this planet have not aged, the rest of the universe continues. These are sixteen years that they can't have back.

But it would have been better to leave them as they are? Unknowing and simply asleep. They would never wake up to see the horrors, the aftermath of that had happened.

It's too late now. I made my choice.

Walking along the hallways of my former home, I can start to remember things. I can remember where the kitchens are, where a bathroom is. But I still can't remember where Marigold's study is.

We all walk in a group, as the shield and the warmth still surrounds us. I lead the group. I turn into a doorway on my left to find a narrow hallway made of gray stone. It's empty and it sends chills down my spine.

It's eerie. Somehow, it's more frightening than the statues that used to be living, breathing, people. There's nothing here to hurt me, but... Had everyone evacuated? Is there some unseen danger here?

We keep walking, everyone dead silent. The only sound that can be heard is our heartbeats and our breathing. There are no other doorways in this hallway.

"We should get out of here..." Ashlee says, and I find myself agreeing with her. But as I start to turn away from the dead end, something catches my eye. I freeze. It's gone.

I decide that it was just my imagination. But when I move again, it reappears. It's like a faint shimmering. "There's something here..." I say, and reach out to touch it through the shield.

Like a searing fire, the world restarts.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fun fact - Originally, I didn't plan for Connor and Cody to be brothers.

Also, if you find a fact interesting, surprising, or just weird, please let me know :D I love seeing you guys' reactions.