Status: Complete.

I'm Hardly Worth Your Time.

chapter three.

The next day I had got up looking a complete mess, my make up was all smudged down my face, my hair going off in all sorts of directions and my clothes all twisted. You see when I got home last night, I hadn’t the heart to get changed or remove my make-up, instead I just crawled under my bed sheets and sobbed my heart out. I mean what would you expect me to do? Shrug it off as nothing, I could say Alex was a complete knob to me last night, he should want me to tell him in my own time, not when he wanted me to talk. I’m sure he is worried about me, but he’s changed so much, before he would have acted like such a gentleman but now he’s not, he’s I guess what you would call self obsessed? I don’t know.
I checked my phone, I had only one text, which was from Jack. I smiled at that, he always cared about me, well he was my best friend so he would, but you would have thought since I hurt him that time he wouldn’t, but he does and I appreciate him for that, as I don’t think I could have done what he did. The text read:

Lea Bear! I’m sorry for Alex’s bitch fit, he feels bad. Text me to let me know you’re okay!

-Jaacky (:

Yeah, he better be. Jack’s text made me laugh, he always new the write words to make a cloudy day turn sunny. I replied.

Hey Jaacky, it’s okay it wasn’t you’re fault you shouldn’t be the one apologising. I’m fine, could you come over? I need to talk to someone.

-Lea Bear xox

The best thing would be to talk to Jack, he’s been my best friend for years now. I know I can trust him. My phone buzzed.

I know, but I still feel bad. I sure can for my bestie, you know I would. I’ll be over in 15 (:


I smiled and replied a simple ok before dragging myself out of bed and to the shower.

As I got changed and ate breakfast, Jack wondered in through my front door, he has always done that, he was like my brother so I never did object to it.

“I’m in the kitchen!” I yelled form my place at the breakfast bar.

Soon enough Jack walked in, going straight to the fridge and getting a can of coke out.

“Lea Bear” he smiled whilst sitting down beside me.

“Jaacky” I smiled back before taking a sip of my coffee.

“You wanted to talk to me?” he spoke seriously now.

With Jack you couldn’t beat around the bush, you had to get straight to the point.

“Yeah, I asked you because we’ve been best friends for like ever and I know you would at least try to understand” I replied softy.

“You speak the truth” he smiled whilst pulling me into a hug. “So what’s up?”

“ I get the feeling you guys don’t care about me y’know? I’ve always given up plans and important dates for you guys and you’ve never returned the favour, I mean I missed prom, Jack! Do you know how much I was looking forward to that? & I couldn’t go to the graduation party, cause I chose to be a good friend and girlfriend and be there for you, even then being sent home by Alex because I couldn’t tell him what I’m telling you now. You guys are going to be off touring soon enough, and I’m going to be off to college…I feel so lost Jack so confused” I practically sobbed.

Jack pulled me into another hug, trying calm me down. He didn’t say anything at first until my sobs had died down a little, I pulled away and looked at him.

“Say something Jack?” I breathed.

“Lea, of course we care about you, you should know that. You’re our best friend. I know you have and we really appreciate that and everything you do for us, those we can’t undo, as much I want to. And this was what you and Alex were arguing about? Because you refused to tell him? He was moaning about it all night. You shouldn’t be afraid to talk to him Lea, he loves you. He’ll understand. But if he doesn’t he’s an idiot. As for tour and college, we’ll still see each other and hang out Lea, it’s not the end of the world” he replied maturely and sensibly.

I swear I had never heard Jack speak that serious before, it shocked me. I’m just glad that he understands.

I just nodded my head to agree, I was lost for words. Everything he said was right, I’m just being pathetic right?

“I don’t mean to be funny Lea, but I’ve got to go sort some stuff out, I’ll call you later or something, but you really need to talk to Alex, it’s the best thing” he said whilst kissing me on the cheek as he got up from the seat he had occupied and walked out of sight.

I let out a sigh.

Why did everything have to be so complicated?
♠ ♠ ♠
this i guess is a filler mostly, nothing interesting happened...but it'll get better more into the story. i would like to thank feeling.weightless for the help(: & thanks to the people who have subscribed and commented(: