Status: Complete.

I'm Hardly Worth Your Time.

chapter six.

It had been five years since I had seen the guys, I had just finished University and was now residing back in Baltimore. Jack text me pretty much all the time, I missed him though.
I hadn’t spoke to Alex since that day I walked out, it was for the best, though but just because I walked out, doesn’t mean I stopped caring about him, loving him. To tell you the truth I had always rang his mom Isobel all the time, to see how he was, she promised not to tell him. I knew he was dating again, I didn’t let that bother me. I told him he would find someone that would be there for him always. I just couldn’t make that type of commitment. I had a future too.

My phone buzzed, immediately I knew it would be Jack, I opened the text:

We’re officially home! I’m going to come see you in a bit!
-Jaacky x

My heart stopped, not literally but it must have at least skipped a beat, what if he brought everyone, Christ. I guess I will just have to suck it up, I’ll have to see Alex sometime.

I quickly replied with a quick ok before rushing around the house tidying everywhere, I know I live alone but I can be quite messy at times. It didn’t take me long, I couldn’t be bothered to get changed, I was having a lazy day so I was in jogging bottoms and a tank top. Nothing special.

The door bell rang about fifty times before I opened it revealing Jack, Zack and Rian…no Alex. I didn’t show my disappointment, but was pulled into a group hug my the guys, I missed this. We used to be ever so close during school, I hate change but I’m glad to have my boys back.

“LEAAAAA” Jack yelled happily with a huge grin on his face. He was adorable.

“JAAAAAAAACK” I mimicked him.

I stood back, letting them into my apartment, they automatically made their selves at home, heading straight to the kitchen. I followed behind them slowly, sitting down at the counter.

“How was tour then dudes?” I asked casually.

“GREAT! They all yelled at once. I laughed.

“That’s good to hear, I’m glad you had a wonderful time” I smiled.

“It would have been better if you were there though Lea, it wasn’t the same over the five years without you, we’ve all missed you so much” Zack said softly pulling me into a hug.

That dropped my mood even more, I felt bad.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there, but guys I had to get my life sorted out, I went to university and just finished, and don’t think I didn’t think about you guys everyday cause I did, not one day went by when I didn’t think about you” I smiled a little, letting a tear fall but quickly wiped It away before they could see.

“We know, Lea. We were all so proud of you, well Jack, Zack and I. We knew you had been texting and kept in touch, Alex doesn’t know a thing, but he misses you loads Lea” Rian spoke patting my back.

I just smiled.

I was about to speak when the door bell rang, I looked at the others.

“That would be Alex, he went to pick up Morgan before he came, he doesn’t know you’re back, we just gave him the address and told him that’s where we’d be” Jack spoke.

I just nodded. Morgan. I felt a pang of jealously rush through me. I walked slowly from where I was sat and answered the door coming face to face with Alex and Morgan, I smiled.

“Lea?” Alex spoke shockingly.

“Yeah, it’s me Alex” I answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update! Finally. haha. well the guys are back! & Alex and Lea see each other for the first time in 5 yearsss! :O comment and subscribe!

& thankss everyone who has already<3