Status: Complete.

I'm Hardly Worth Your Time.

chapter seven.

Lea was back? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I bet Lea was the one Jack was texting, I’m going to kick his ass for this. I hadn’t seen her in five years, I carefully looked her over, taking in all her features, she hadn’t changed much, just a lot more mature and older I guess, but she was still beautiful. When I realised I was just stood there staring, I looked away.

“Morgan, this is Lea, Lea this is Morgan my girlfriend” I introduced them both.

I glanced back to Lea, hurt had flashed in her eyes, but it soon disappeared.

“Hey” Lea spoke, holding her hand out to Morgan.

“Hi” Morgan replied shortly before taking her hand.

“Please come in” Lea said moving so we could pass through.

We walked into the living room, seeing the guys sat in front of the television. Morgan and I sat on the empty couch, I sent a pure scowl at Jack who was sat the other side of the room, he just shrugged me off before turning back to the show.

At the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Lea walking towards the kitchen, why wasn’t she joining us in here? I thought.

“I’ll be right back” I spoke to Morgan before leaving the couch to follow Lea into the kitchen.

It was silent as I walked in, Lea was sat at the table that was centred in the middle of the room. I knew she was hurt, but we both went our separate ways, but I guess no matter what we’d always have feelings for each other, we were childhood sweet hearts I guess you could call it.

“Lea” I whispered softly.

Her head jolted towards me, whilst she rubbed the tears from her eyes. I felt so bad for bring Morgan here, but I can’t be blamed it was Jack who told me to come round, he never said Lea was back or that we would be visiting her.

“Alex” she spoke finally “Did you want something?” she added.

“No, I came here to see if you were alright, but you’re obviously not” I said solemnly.

I sat opposite her at the table, none of us saying anything, I was looking at her, but she was looking out the kitchen window. It made me jump when she finally spoke.

“Alex…” she started before the door banged open, Morgan stood there with her hands on her hips.

“Are you coming?” she asked bitterly.

I nodded, I grabbed onto her hand before walking out of the room

“I still love you” Lea sighed.

Though I was half way out the room, I heard what she said, it brought a smile to my face because I indeed loved her too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for late update, had A-Level examinations and learning to drivee! hope you like xoxoxo