Status: Complete.

I'm Hardly Worth Your Time.

chapter nine.


When I spoke those three words, Lea’s eyes immediately jolted up to meet mine, a hint of happiness could be seen if you looked close enough.

“You- You can’t, Alex. You have Morgan, you love her, not me” she spoke nervously.

Why was she nervous? I know this was just thrown out of the blue, but she feels the same way, why can’t she just think with her heart for once.

“I can Lea and I will, I have Morgan, yes, but she isn’t you, I don’t love her the way I love you, for once Lea, think with you’re heart, I know you feel the same way, let’s not pretend that you don’t care, that you don’t want to be with me, because you do, I can see it in you’re eyes, the way you looked at Morgan and I when we came to the door, I saw hurt and jealousy. If I had of known I wouldn’t have brought her along. Please Lea, I love you.” I said sincerely with my heart, not one word a lie.

Tears were playing in Lea’s eyes, happy? I would hope so. I graciously took her hand in mine and rubbed tiny circles into her skin as softly as I could. Her eyes gazed down to our entwined hands a small smile on her face.

“I missed this” she whispered “ I do love you Alex, I really regret letting you go, but it’s going to be the same all the time, you’re going to go away on tour, I’ll be stuck here for months on end without you. Don’t think it’s because I don’t trust you, because I do, that’s the main part love is based around. I just don’t think I can keep saying goodbye…” she spoke, her voice cracking.

I pulled her into my arms, I understood what she meant with everything she had just said, I know it will be hard but I’m going to try my best to make her see that we’re worth it.

“Hey, don’t cry Lea, I didn’t come her to see a beautiful girl cry, I know you feel that way about us, but please give us a chance, I know if we try we’ll get through it, we don’t want to make the same mistake again, right?” my words muffled into her air.

Lea pulled back gently, her eyes inline with mine, I couldn’t help myself, but leaned in slowly, until our lips met she kissed back with no hesitation. A rush of heat spread throughout my body, turning the kiss more passionate, my hands holding her waist as her fingers tangled themselves into my hair. I slowly pushed her backwards onto the bed, so I was now hovering over her fragile body, without breaking the kiss. My hands travelled from her hips, to the hem of her shirt, I softly grazed her stomach with my warm hands, causing her to shudder from the touch. I slowly began to push her top up her body and over her head, breaking the kiss for a second., I slid my hands over her body until they came to the back of her bra, which I unclipped with ease and threw it to the floor. She quickly began to tug my top over my head, breaking the kiss again but only to meet again with more fierceness, we were both hungry for each other. All I could think about was how our bodies felt together, how beautiful our skin reacted, a powerful heat jolted through out bodies. Before I realised, Lea had taken off my belt, undone my jeans which were now half way down my legs. Using my feet I pulled them down further and off, they fell to the floor with a slight thud. I pulled away for a moment, panting, trying to get my breath back, I looked at her below me, she was beautiful.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her, not wanting to pressure her into doing something she didn’t want to do.

“More than ever” she replied before pulling me down to her, our lips meeting.

Soon after that Lea’s joggers were tossed over her bedside cabinet, leaving us in just our underwear, a small bit of material keeping us from truly feeling each other. Finally we had both managed to remove what was left of the material on our bodies, leaving us with just our feelings, as we made love for the first time.

I Alex Gaskarth had finally took the innocence of the one girl I had been madly in love with since the moment we met. We both wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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I finally updated, oooh a bit steamy;) hahaa. Sorry if it's not very good, i've never written a kinda sex scene before. Hope you like it:)

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