Something, Maybe


It had been a few months, and I was in the rehearsal space, just playing some music and dancing along to it. Our current run was over, so I was just practicing. I knew that if I had wanted to play a bigger role next time, I would have to hone my skills a little more.

If anyone had walked in on me they would probably be surprised at the playlist I choose. But I had chosen this time on purpose, because I knew that no one would be around. So I kept my eyes closed and just moved to the music. I had left my hair down, so it was to my hips, which I had normally kept in a bun while dancing. But I didn’t feel like it, and I was just in the mood for calming.

I didn’t hear the door to the studio open, nor did I notice the man that had walked in and was watching me. I turned at the end of the song and leapt into the air, eyes still closed and it took all of my focus not to cry out in alarm when I felt hands on my waist keeping me in the air. I looked down and it was Gitta’s cousin. He slowly let me down, my feet landing softly on the ground.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, glaring at him while tying my hair up.

“Sorry.” came his soft reply. “I don’t know what came over me. I just thought it would be a nice end to your routine to end in the air.” He looked uncomfortable, which didn’t bother me at all.

I had wanted this time for privacy, and this guy just decided to interrupt it. “What are you doing here? How did you even know that I was here?”

“Bridgette told me. She was excited that we had the day off here and wanted us to go out to eat.”

“So you thought that spying on me was a good way to ask me that?”

“I didn't mean to spy on you. I was just curious.” I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “But when I walked up, and heard a rock song I was confused. So I walked over and couldn’t take my eyes off of you. It was beautiful, and free and I just…”

I felt a slight heat come to my cheeks. Nobody had ever really said that. Sure, the company said that I was talented, and I had fans that thought that I was good at what I did. But no one had ever told me that they were so engrossed that they lost their train of thought. “Oh…well…thanks.” I mumbled.

He gave me a smile, “Look, I know that we got off on the wrong foot. But I do want to make it up to you-” he was cut off by his phone ringing. That’s when I noticed that my music was still playing. I rushed over to turn off the c.d. and then Zack was behind me again. “They are waiting. Are you good to go like that or do you-”

“I have some clothes. I’ll go change real quick.” I said and he walked with me out of this portion of the studio. I walked into the showers. I quickly showered and then changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a sweater and some flats. I hoisted my bag with my music and dance clothes onto my shoulder, grabbed my purse and walked out. Zack was leaning agains the wall and stood up straight when I walked over.

“So, they want to go eat sushi. B told me the place. Do you want to ride togheter?”

I nodded, “Uh sure. Considering I took the subway here.” He chuckled and the two of us walked out.

I couldn’t believe that I had let this guy affect me this way. He was an irritant and now I found myself getting flustered because of what he had told me. His voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked as he pulled out into the traffic.

“Uh, sure.” I asked, confused about the sudden broken silence.

“Why does B call you ‘Rumple’?” I cringed. I hated that she called me that, and the fact that he asked and I had already agreed to answer the damn question.

“It’s short for Rumpleteazer.” I said with a sigh. He gave me a confused look, and I sighed again. “It was my character name in Cats.” his brows shot up.

“Wait, so that was the production that you two were in?” I nodded. “So that explains why you didn’t want to watch Cats with Cassie” I nodded again. “Okay then. Well, what was B’s part?”

“Victoria.” I said, and then added, “The pure white cat.” Even if hadn’t seen the muisical, he would remember that there was only one pure white cat.

“Which one was yours?” I twisted my mouth to the side, trying to think of a way that he would know, if he hadn’t seen it.

“Well, I match a guy cat. He’s named Mungo Jerrie. So if you ever look that up, that’s who I am. It’s really kind of hard to explain.”

He nodded, taking this in. We pulled up and he ran around to pull open my door. I took his hand and felt my cheeks flush. I quickly pulled my hand away once my feet were on the ground. We walked into the restaurant, and I immediately spotted our party. I also saw another familiar face that made my stomach drop.

As we sat down, her brown eyes landed on me. “Hey Andromeda.” she said giving me one of her fake smiled.

“Hello Persephone.” I managed to get out. I knew that the end of this night would end badly.

It always tended to when it came to my sister. I sighed, trying to force the last time that I saw her out of my mind. I was still mad and hurt, and I knew that I had to hide that fact.

She was, afterall, the perfect daughter. Which is what I was trying to be myself. She had always done everything perfect at the first try, whereas I had to try and try and never felt like I came up to her level.

I looked over and saw Zack’s eyes on her, and my heart sank.

Of course he would prefer her as well. All guys did.

The dinner felt awkward to me, but I knew that I was good at hiding it.
Because if there was one thing I was better at than Persephone it was hiding my emotions.

“So, Andromeda, why haven’t you come back home in a while? I know that your run with the company ended a month ago.”

“It didn’t end, Persephone. The musical ended. I’m still with the company.” I managed to say with a smile.

When the dinner was finally over I had so much rage pent up in my body, I felt as if I were going to explode. I walked out of the restaurant without saying goodbye to anyone. I was almost a block away when I heard a voice calling my name. I turned to see Zack running towards me.

“Hey, everything okay?” he asked, his green eyes looking into my own dark green.

“Of course. What would be wrong?” I managed to say, sounding mostly sincere.

“Well, your sister didn’t seem fazed by you just leaving. And I felt as if she were trying to cut you down all dinner. So, are you okay?” he asked again.

I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine. So you can go head and go home yourself.” I turned and I felt his hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

“I know that you’re lying. Why?”

I snatched my wrist back and glared at him. “It’s none of your business. You don’t have to worry about me, okay? I’m perfectly fine on my own.”

He held his hands up in defense, “Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you and your sister. But if you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to. But at least let me give you a ride home. I mean, I still have a bag of your clothes.”

I inwardly cursed and nodded, walking back in the direction of where he parked. I sat in the car silently as he drove me back to the apartment that I shared with Bridgette. When I was getting out, he grabbed my hand again.

I looked at him, a glare shooting through my eyes, “Look, don’t let her bother you.”

I pulled away and shook my head, “She’s perfect and I’m not. So that’s what the problem is. I need to be perfect.”

And with that I hopped out and walked inside the building.
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Hey guys! I have my computer back, but unfortunately I lost this story. So I'm having to rewrite it, and it is actually different from the original. I would love to hear what you all have to say and think on this!