Muster Every Ounce of Confidence

Step One: Getting A New Family

I sit in my room, listening to 'Can't Take This' by Mest. My parents continually come to the door, asking what's wrong.

My only response: "Normal teenage drama. Don't worry about it."

They don't believe me, but who cares

I grab my school bag and walk out to my brand new black Mustang. I don't even want this car. My parents thought it'd be the perfect back to school accessory.

I hate school

Being a senior is supposed to be an amazing experience filled with friends and fun. But when you're friendless, its painful. Both parents are lawyers, no siblings, no friends, and no family. We live in Seattle, and both sides of the family are stationed in Chicago.

Parking, I sit in my car until the bell rings. I sit throughout the first day as I do any other day. No one talks to me and my teachers don't know I exist. In every class, I sit in the exact middle of the room. I find it comfortingly ironic: I'm the center of it all and no one cares.
'Can't Take This' is sort of my theme song. I'm stuck where I don't want to be, I put myself here, and I can't take it anymore.

"Eliza?" I look up from my lunch. A woman sits beside me. "Are you Eliza Marks?" I nod. "Good. I'm Bethany, your new social worker."


"Your parents feel as though they are unfit to parent you. Because you're only 17, they've decided to put you up for adoption."

Oh great

"Luckily, one of your cousins is more than happy to have you. He lives in Chicago." I nod again. "Well, come on....He wants you there today. Everything is packed." I get up and follow her out of the school. "You'll have to drive. I took a cab here." Nodding, I lead her to my car. "I'll send your car in a few days."

"I don't want it."

"It's such a nice car though." When we get to the airport, I hand the keys, title and my cell number to the homeless man out front.

"Are you serious."

"Yea. That second number is my cell in case you have any problems. Have fun!"

"T-Thank you!"

"You just gave a Mustang to a homeless person!"

"I didn't want it."

"Odd kid." I shrug and go inside. "So....I'll be coming with you to make sure you get settled in ok." There's a momentary lull in her talking as she checks us in. "Eliza, I'm sorry about your parents."

"So am I." I can tell she's waiting for me to continue. "Bethany....My parents waited 17 years to something most people do in the first 6 months. It hurts to know that at age 17, they have declared me unsalvageable."

"They haven't; they're just not sure what to do with you."

And that's better how? WAIT!!!! Who's adopting me?

"Who's taking me?"

"Your cousin, and he's adopting you. He asked me not to tell you anything else."

"Oh....Damn. I haven't met any of my family before."


"Mom and Dad were always gone when we got invited to reunions. I don't even know names. This guy is going to be a complete stranger." I stay quiet the rest of the trip. All I can think about is the song 'Can't Take This'. It plays on my IPOD, repeating. Also, the CD in my disc-man is 12 tracks of nothing but that song. The last two on it are Wounded by Good Charlotte. I don't even know where I heard these songs.... I don't listen to that kind of music. My two favorite bands are QUEEN and ELO. Thinking on it... I don't even know what Mest looks like.

"Here we are." The cab pulls up to a not so small house. "Now, he has roommates, or.... house-mates... ugh, whatever you want to call them. But anyway, you'll meet them later....I think." I nod and follow her up to the door.


"Hi. I'm Bethany and this is Eliza."

"Oh. You're here for Tony. Come in. TONY!!" We follow him inside. "My name's Jeremiah, But you can call me Jere."

"Nice to meet you."

"WHAT?!" A blond walks in with a casual air. "Oh, hey Bethany."

"Hi Tony. This is Eliza." She pushes me forward slightly. "Eliza, this is your cousin Tony."

"Hello Eliza." I simply wave.

"She's not much of a talker. And when she does, it's not usually happy stuff."


I turn off my IPOD. "Well, I should get going. Eliza, he'll tell you about your school and stuff." She hugs me and leaves. I sit on the floor and watch Jere play video games.

"So you want to see your room?"
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I don't want to insult your intelligence by stating what everything means. If you really don't get it ask me.