Muster Every Ounce of Confidence

Step Ten: Exploring the Possibilities

"Dirty. Very Dirty."

"Eh." I shrug.

"So are you two together?"

"No. I simply did him a favor." The door opens and Tony walks in. "Joel, we can talk about this later." He nods and leaves.

"Liza, Chris wanted me to listen to this CD. Do you mind?"

"No, go ahead." He puts it in and we sit and listen. I actually like a few of the tracks. Especially number 11. It sings to me. "Daddy, ask Chris to copy track 11."

"OK. Why?"

"It's calling me. 'Can't Take This' doesn't seem to fit my life anymore. I still love the song but the meaning it once held has dissipated or transformed into something else.....At any rate, this song fits what I feel, whatever that may be." He nods.

"Night dearheart."

"Night papa."

Tony leaves at the end of the week. Benji and I drive him to the airport.

"Damn skirt. Benji, why'd I wear a skirt today?"

"You wanted to look nice to see Tony off."

"I guess." We're at a park, sharing a swing. My skirt, which is short, rides up again. Instead of pulling it down, like normal, I leave it, tired of fixing it. "And why'd I wear a skirt if it's cold?"

"It's not cold. Chicago is colder than this."

"I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt. Not a short skirt and tank top."

"Wuss." He rubs my leg. "Goosebumps?" I shrug and lean back into his chest. "Eliza, how bout I return that favor?"


"Come on." He leads me to the car and opens the back door. I climb in and he follows.

"What are you going to do?"

"Just relax. OK?" I nod. His hand travels up my thigh and under my skirt. I try to relax, which isn't hard. Benji starts rubbing me and I let a moan escape. My eyes are closed and I'm leaned against the seat. A finger enters me, closely followed by a second. He begins moving them slowly. I moan again. My back arches and I moan his name. He continues to play with me, making me moan and gasp, for the next 20 minutes.

"Benji...." I can hardly speak.

"Was that fun?" I nod. "Good. Let's go." We get in the front seats. "Why, might I ask, are you not wearing underwear?"

"Didn't feel like it."