Muster Every Ounce of Confidence

Step Eleven: Establishing Order

Joel pulls me aside when we get to Billy's


"We need to finish our little chat."

"Oh." We walk the trail behind Billy's house.

"I think you and Benji should get together."


"You already spend a lot of time together. And I know he likes you, even if he won't admit it to himself. And you like him."

"How could I not like a man who drives a Chevy?'


"He fingered me."

"'Scuse me?"

"Benji fingered me. We were at the park, and he said he wanted to return the favor, so we got in the back seat of his car and he fingered me."



"I'm never sitting back there again." I laugh. "I'm not! I refuse."

"Chill Joel. And remember: not a word."

"I'm already trying to forget."

"Good boy." I pat his head and go inside.

Benji and I continue to do 'favors' for each other as the summer progresses. Benji only really ever needs 'assistance' when I wear skirts or dance with him. He always wants to return the gesture, so we end up away from the group for about an hour.

Friday night Italian dinners usually end with Benji and I in a hotel room for the night. Joel kept his promise of not talking about these occurrences to anyone except me.

By my fifth week, I've developed a schedule:
~Sunday: gamers marathon with Billy
~Monday: Paul, Cash, and I explore the woods
~Tuesday: Chris and I play kids' games like leap frog and red light green light
~Wednesday: Marre and I spend a day in town
~Thursday: We all go to the movies
~Friday: I spend with Benji
~Saturday: Joel and I go out for coffee and a day at the beach

"Guys, it's my last week here." Billy hugs me.

"It'll be okay. And you'll come visit us. Right?"

"Of course! All my holidays, except Christmas, I'll be spending with one of you. Dad will understand."

"Its still weird hearing you call Tony dad."

"He acts like my dad. Well, most of the time."

"Still creepy." I push Paul.

"Anyway, since it's Sunday....Billy, if you please...."

"Ah!" He jumps up and we run to the system and start our marathon.

Each day is made special and on Friday, everyone comes to dinner. After all the 'see ya later's Benji and I go to the hotel.

"How bout we just watch TV tonight?" I look up at him.

"Sounds fine." We walk hand in hand to the room and collapse on the couch. "Wait! Let me set the alarm so we have time to get to the airport." I jump up and set it for 7 because my plane leaves at 11:30.

"You done yet?"

"Chill Benji." I sit next to him and he pulls me close. " Finding Nemo!"

"Okay." He sets the remote on the table and we get closer.