Muster Every Ounce of Confidence

Step Four : Realizing Friendships

That's the extent of our contact for 2 months. I never ask him for anything, and he only talks to me on Friday nights to tell me we're going out.

When the guys get back, I'm lying on my bed reading. 'Can't Take This' is playing in my CD player, with miniature speakers set up on my nightstand.


"Dad!!" I run down the stairs and into Tony's arms.

"Miss me?" He laughs.

"Hecks Yes!" Jere picks me up, squeezing the air out of me.

"Uh, Liza, how would you fell if I told you we won't be touring for awhile?"

"Happy for me, sad for your fans."

"Okay. Well, Jere's girlfriend is due in a few weeks. And I need to rest."


"Old back problems."

"More like old man." I poke him in the stomach.

"Ha ha. So how was time with Benji?"


"I barely saw you!" I hadn't realized he was in the room, and I jump.


"She was always in her room, and damn in she quiet. This is the first time I've heard her speak!" I bite my fingernails and move behind Jere. "I almost went crazy trying to find something to do."

Tony turns to me and Jere moves. "You... quiet?"

"I....I'm not good with new people. I only got on with you so quickly becasue you didn't scare or ignore me."

"Benji scares you?"

"Well no... but...."


How can I tell my dad I think his friend is hott?

Almost as if reading my mind, Jere starts laughing.

"It's not funny!"

"It is for me."

"Clue please?" Jere points to the 1500 in the driveway.

"JERE!" I run to my room, and turn my music up.

"Oh shit!" Tony groans before going upstairs.

"Uh, someone want to fill me in?"

"She thinks you're hott."


"She has a thing for guys who drive Chevys."


I run up to Eliza's room. 'Can't Take This' is playing.

"Eliza? May I come in?"


I open the door to find her sitting on her bed, reading. "Okay. Two things. 1) I'm sorry I left you alone with Benji for so long. I didn't really register the truck before we left."

"It's okay." I sit beside her. "What was number two?"

"Huh? Oh, I didn't know you like our band."


"Mest.... You live with Mest."

"I DO?!" I laugh at her excitement. "Whoa....Yeah, well 'Can't Take This' feels like my anthem."

It's depressing though

"Hey! You never explained what it's like to have friends."

"Well, I'll do it now." We get comfortable, and he takes a deep breath. "Well, it's sort of hard to explain. Friend's are the people who stay with you through thick and thin. They comfort you when you're down, and cheer for you when it counts. Friends are the people you joke with, cry with, and die with. Some come and go, others are there forever. They make you angry, sad, and happy, but you love them just the same."

"I've never had that." He hugs me. "Until now."

"Good.... I've decided to send you back with Benji."
