Muster Every Ounce of Confidence

Step Eight: Dressing to Impress

I watch Benji and Eliza.

Are they....

"So dad, your babygirl's 18, what are you going to do?"

"Go get dressed up real nice and we'll go out."

"Okay!" She hugs me and then runs upstairs. Benji's eyes never leave her.

"Paul, how close are you two?"

"Close as we can be without being in love, and then some. Kind of like her and Cash. She says our souls are married."

"She says that about Jere as well. Her and I share a tight bond, but it's nothing like that."

Hilary and Marre come into the room.

Why hasn't Benji dumped her yet? I know he doesn't love her.

"Benj? Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." He pulls away from Marre and we go out onto the porch.

"Why are you with Marre if you don't love her?" He looks slightly shocked. "Anyone who knows you can tell."

"Joel can't. And we're twins." He pauses. "Did Eliza tell you that?"

"No. Why would she?"

"I don't know. She wouldn't have, she promised she wouldn't...."

"How would she know?"

"I told her a few things I can't bring myself to tell anyone else. She's just really easy to talk to and I can trust her not to repeat what I say to her." I nod.

She knows some of my deepest fears. I wonder if she tells Paul and Jere what she can't seem to tell anyone else....

"Let's go inside." Eliza is just walking down the stairs as I close the door.

I look at the stairs and see Eliza. Her short black hair is flipped out and the white streak covering her left eye is curled under. She's wearing a tight black and white dress. Her
clunk on the stairs as she descends.

I try to hold back comments because Marre is standing next to me.

Everyone watches me come down the stairs. Dad is standing by the door. I walk up to him.

"I'm ready to go."

"I can see that." He taps my nose. "Bye guys." I hug Paul before leaving. "Uh....try not to dress up a lot."


"Because I swear you gave all of them boners."

"Gross dad!"

"Well it's true. Do you want me to ask them?"

"No! That's just sick." I shudder. "Anyway, sorry for not telling you about my birthday."

"Its okay. I understand why you wouldn't want to talk about it."

"I called my mom to tell her happy birthday, it's the same day as mine. And she didn't even remember. They never remembered."

"Do you tell Paul a lot?"

"Yes. I'd tell you just as much, but I love listening to you talk. Your voice is relaxing."

"What about Jere and Benji?"

"Jere is....Well he just seems to know. I don't really need to say anything for him to know how I feel or what I'm thinking. He just knows. Oh how's the baby?!"

"She's fine. Elizabeth Alice. What about Benji?"

"I don't know. I get this vibe from him, that he's unhappy. When I listen to him talk, that vibe goes away. Well it goes away whenever I talk to him and no one is around. I kinda feel like he needs me, just to know someone is there."

"Anything else?"

"Well, when he and I are sitting doing nothing or something, I feel like nothing can go wrong. Like with you, I feel like I'm home. Nothing can hurt me cause my dad will protect me. But it's different with Benji. I still feel safe, but there's something more. It just feels right."

"Babygirl, I think you're in love."

"What?! No....not with Benji. He's just a dear friend, much like Paul."

I can't be in love with him....

Hilary leaves and Tony moves into the room with me.

"Daddy, we're roommates!"


"Hecks yeah!" I turn on Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' full blast. Dad and I head bang the entire song.

"My neck hurts." He falls onto his bed. I fall to mine with a groan, rubbing my neck.

"This is why I listen to ELO and Queen: less chance of self-injury." He laughs.


"Come in." Marre enters.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah." I pull Tony up, "Go attack someone." I close the door and turn to her, "What do you need?"

"I think I need to end things with Benji."


"He doesn't love me. At first I thought it was your fault, that you two had done something while he was in Chicago. But I watched you two and could tell you hadn't."

"We haven't. I never actually spoke to him."


"The truth?" She nods. "I have a thing for guys who drive Chevys and when I first saw him he was driving a 1500. Then I saw him up close, all his tattoos and piercings....I thought he was hott. But it was weird because he's my dad's best friend. I couldn't talk to him cause I was too shy."

"Oh. Do you think you could love him?"

"Dad and Paul think I already do, but I'm sure I don't."

"Have you ever been in love?" I shake my head. "So how do you know you're not?"

"I don't know."

"I think you two are perfect for each other."

"What?! He's your boyfriend."

"But I think he's in love with you. It's settled. I'm going to hook you up."

"Marre, your crazy. 1) He doesn't love me, not like that. 2) He's 27, I'm 18. 3) My dad wouldn't allow it. 4) We're just close friends."

"Close friends who are in love. Give up. I'll get you two together ASAP. Well I have to go break up with him if this is going to work. And if I'm right, he'll come straight to you." She bounces out of my room.


Oh crap! Why did I tell her that?! Damn it Eliza! Learn to keep your mouth shut!

I fall back on my bed, playing 'Wounded' softly.


"Yea?" I shut off my CD player.

"She dumped me."

"I know. She talked to me first. I would say sorry, but I know you're alright." He lays beside me. "So now that you're a free man, what are you going to do?"

"Let's go to a club."

"Benji, I can't get into a club. I'm 18."

"And I'm 27, you'll be with me." He looks over what I'm wearing. "And get dressed up." He pulls at the bottom of my loose t-shirt. "Is this my shirt?"

"Yea. I took one from each of you."

"Aw! You like us!"

"Go get ready." I push his hand away from my stomach and get up. He sighs and goes to his room.

What to wear....

I leave Eliza's room, closing the door behind me. Marre runs up to me.

"Did you ask her out?"

"No. Why would I?" She sighs and goes downstairs.


I go to my room to get ready.

"Where are you going?" Tony sits on my bed.

"Eliza and I are going out."

"Where and for how long?"

"A club and I don't know."

"A club?"

"Yes Tony, I'm taking your daughter to a club."

"Does she know you're going to a club?"

"Yea, she's getting dressed."

"Do you like her?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Why?"

"Just curious." He leaves.

"Hey babygirl."

"Hey daddy. Benji's taking me to a club. Is that okay?"

"Yea. I just talked to him." I nod."You look nice."

"He told me to dress up." I finish my hair and turn to face him.

"Well you clean up very well."

"Thank you. I just hope I don't have to do this a lot."


"Everybody looks at me."

"That's because you're a beautiful young woman."

"Dad....." He laughs.

"Liza! You ready?"

"Yea!" I hug Tony and walk into the hall.


"Benji! Ugh, let's go." He laughs as we go downstairs.

"Hey Eliza. WHOA!" Paul's exclamation causes everyone to turn toward us.

"Dang Liza!"

"Shut up Billy. Benji can we go now?"

"Yeah." He places his hand on my lower back, and we go to his car.

"That was odd."

"We're just not used to seeing you all dressed up."

"Well I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal."

"You look good either way."

"Thank you."

"Do you think they're?"

"God let's hope so."

"How can you say that Marre?"

"Joel, they go together. Did you not see them just now? The only thing that would have made that more perfect would be them holding hands."

"You sound like you want this to happen."

"I do. And I'll be around until it does."

Benji holds my hand as we enter the club.

"Oh! There's a table." I point over his shoulder. He chuckles and leads me to the table.

"You want a soda?" I nod. "Okay. Be right back." He disappears into the crowd.

Clubs aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Benji comes back. I take my drink as he sits next to me. "You like it?"

"The drink or the club?"

"The club."

"It's cool. I don't really get why people get so excited about them though."

"It's a chance to let loose and be somebody else." He jumps.


"Your cell is ringing." He pulls it out and hands it to me.

I forgot he had it....


"Where are you?!"

"At a club with Benji. Why?"

"Why are you on a date with Benji?! He's dad's age!"

"Its not a date. Chill Jere. I'll call you later." I hang up and Benji takes my phone back. "Let's dance." I pull him up.

The song changes to a slow one. I wrap my arms around his neck.

I'm soo glad Nick taught me how to dance.

Benji's arms slip around my waist.