Status: A work in progress.

Norshire Chronicles: The Lost Queen


It was many years ago that the Norshire Kingdom was full of peace, harmony, and joy under the rule of King Bridden. Festivals were held weekly, harvests never failed, and there was hardly ever hostility. Everyone excitedly waited for the annual celebration at the castle each year, filled with dancing and laughter.
There was never an unkind word said about King Bridden. He ruled with a just, fair hand. Even the woodland elves had only respect and loyalty to him. His wife, Queen Efari, was just as kind as he was. She was always seen giving flowers to others or reading to children or simply chatting with someone. It was always wondered amongst the people why the King and Queen never had a child of their own.
But far east was the Darklands Kingdom, where King Bridden had no control. Darkland was ruled by Queen Zynoa, a woman so cruel and heartless she killed her own husband to gain the throne. Her stare was said to be so cold it could freeze you where you stood, never to move again. Darkland was never ventured into by anyone from Norshire, except for the very few who thought it better to be loyal to Queen Zynoa. Other than that, her influence never interrupted Norshire’s peace.
The times of peace in Norshire came to an abrupt, unexpected end.
It was during the annual celebration. Everything was going on as usual, the music was grand and everyone was dancing. The King and Queen sat at their thrones, smiling at the merriment.
Then a chilling wind swept in, from where no one’s certain, and snuffed out every floating light orb. Everyone froze, puzzled by the sudden cold and darkness. The doors to the great hall flung open. There in the doorway stood Queen Zynoa, her silver hair lifting and flying about her head from the wind.
She stepped into the hall, several of her guards following her. Everyone cowered against the walls, fearful of her cold, soulless eyes. She stopped just a few feet away from Queen Efari and King Bridden thrones, where the stood. Queen Zynoa made a quick gesture with her hand and the doors to the hall slammed shut.
“You know why I’m here.” she said to the King and Queen, her voice dripping with venom.
“Your place is Darkland. You don’t belong here.” King Bridden said with authority.
“Well I’m here to bring an end to your reign and your blood line.” Queen Zynoa said with a wicked smile.
“You will never hurt her!” Queen Efari yelled.
“We’ll see about that.”
With that, one of Queen Zynoa’s archers took aim at the Norshire Queen, just missing her as the King pulled her out of the way of the arrow. He called his guards and they all marched in. The fighting and slaughter started. Anyone who was in the way was killed by the Darkland guards. Queen Efari ran to the royal chambers while King Bridden unsheathed his sword to fight Queen Zynoa.
Their swords clash. He was able to dodge her attacks but unable to get a single strike at her. She was able to knock the sword from his hand far enough to be out of his reach. She slit his stomach, blood spotted his shirt where the tear was made to reveal a gash. He fell to his knees in pain. He looked up at the Darkland Queen and she stood over him, triumph in her eyes.
“You will never get away with this.” King Bridden said, panting as blood trickled from the corner of his lips.
“I already have. I just wish I could have let you watch as I killed your queen and young heir.” she said.
The last thing King Bridden saw was the blade of her sword coming towards him and last thing he felt was the blade slitting his neck.
Since the death of Queen Efari and King Bridden, Queen Zynoa took control. She now ruled over Norshire as well as Darkland. Darklanders were free to roam and do as they wanted while those who had been loyal to King Bridden were either executed or forced into hiding. Joy drained out of the kingdom and became dark with shadows.
Those who still had hope of vanquishing the Darkland Queen and bringing back peace were called the Resistance. They believe that King Bridden and Queen Efari did indeed have an heir, the ‘lost princess.’ Their hope is that she is still alive and that they would soon find her.