Status: A work in progress.

Norshire Chronicles: The Lost Queen


Jacek had sat in a chair beside the bed all night. He waited anxiously for her to awaken. At one point during the night, the others had returned. Rythorn had come in to see him.
“I see the captive is safe.”
Jacek simply nodded. He was lost in his own thoughts. He wondered to himself of the meaning behind the mark on her. And her eyes. He could remove the visual of them from his mind, one golden eye and the other silver. They were unusual, and yet they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.
Then Jacek realized that Rythorn was waving his hand in his face. Jacek smacked it out of his face and Rythorn laughed.
“Maybe you should get some rest.” Rythorn said. “You look exhausted.”
“I’m fine. I don’t need rest.” Jacek replied.
Rythorn shrugged and left the room, leaving Jacek to marvel at this girl.
But now the girl was waking up. He wondered if he should stay so he could have another glance at those eyes. Instead he decided to get Lausa. He called to her from the doorway and she appeared from another room.
“The girl is waking up.” he said in a hushed tone.
“Alright.” she said as she walked into the room. “Go wait in the lounge.”
He was surprised by her reply. “Why?”
“Because she needs better clothing if she is to stay here for a bit. I won’t have you here while she’s changing.”
Her answer made sense but he hesitated. He didn’t want to leave the girl. He felt he needed to be there when she awoke. He reluctantly left the room and closed the door behind him. He headed to the lounge where, most likely, the others were also.
The lounge was faintly lit with floating glow orbs. He saw Rikar sitting on the couch with Synestra laying down beside him, her feet on his lap and arms crossed behind her head. She kicked him in the shoulder, most likely for something he said. Rythorn was sitting in a chair and laughed as Rikar rubbed his hurt shoulder, laughing as well. Darmor was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, Jacek.” Synestra said in a cheerful tone.
“Hey.” Jacek said flatly.
“How’s the captive doing?” Rikar asked.
“Her names Lorelei and she might be awake by now.”
Just then Lausa came from down the hall and asked, “Synestra, would you mind lending the girl some clothing? You seem too be the only one that would be her size.”
“Sure, just borrow anything from my closet.” Synestra said. Lausa thanked her then quickly went back to Synestra’s room and came back out with clothing folded in her arms, heading back to the sickroom.
Jacek stood against the wall next to the entrance way, waiting anxiously to see Lorelei. He could hear Lausa’s muffled voice talking to someone who’s voice was too low for him to hear. He tried desperately to hear Lorelei’s voice without being obvious to the others.
Then he heard a door open and footsteps coming down the hall. Lausa walked into the lounge with Lorelei beside her. She looked nervous and unsure of her surroundings. She was wearing russet slacks and white top. The clothes suit her well, she seemed to make them feminine instead of boyish like they would on Synestra.
“Hi.” Synestra said to Lorelei as she stood from the couch. “I’m Synestra, that’s Rikar, Rythorn, and Jacek.” She pointed each person as she introduced them and they in turn either nodded or waved.
“Hello.” Lorelei said, her voice almost a whisper.
“Don’t worry. You can stay as long as you need to.” Lausa said kindly.
“No, I can’t. I must leave as soon as possible.”
“Why?” It took Jacek a moment to realize that it was him who had spoken this time.
“Before I was captured, I was sent to go west to the Emerald Mountains.”
“Why were you going there?” Rikar asked.
“My parents, before they were slaughtered, told me that I must go there and find someone.” Her eyes filled with sadness at the mention of her parent’s death.
“Who?” Rythorn asked.
“The lost queen.”
The room was quiet. Everyone stared at her in disbelief. They all knew it was only legend.
“That’s impossible.” a voice said, startling everyone. Darmor had walked into the room. Darmor rarely talked unless he felt it necessary. “There never was an heir to the throne. And even if there was, how would she have survived all this time? More importantly, how would your parents know?”
She held up what looked like a bracelet with a clear crystal that glowed with light. It brightened the room more than the light orbs did.
“My parents told me that this belonged to her. As long as she’s alive, the crystal glows.” she explained. “They worked for Queen Efari and King Bridden. They overheard Queen Efari telling a servant to take her daughter to the Light Elves in the Emerald Mountains.”
“You believe that?” Darmor asked, disbelieving.
“My parents were good and honest people. They would never lie about something as important as this.”
If a pin had dropped at that moment, we would have all heard it in the silence.
“Sorry, but this is just a hopeless task that you have been sent on.” Rikar said. “You will only be chasing a story.”
“I don’t seek for you to believe me.” Lorelei said. “You simply asked and I gave you my answers. I am going on my quest whether you believe me or not. I’ll have to leave as soon as possible.”
“Lorelei, at least stay until tomorrow morning.” Lausa said. “You need to recover some of your strength.”
Lorelei nodded and Lausa led her to the kitchen.