Status: hoping to update this soon :3

Twins V.S. Twins


I looked out the window as my dad pulled up into the drive-way of our new house in good ol' Leipzig, Germany. My twin sister, Adian, was bouncy and happy about moving and I was okay with it.

I looked at the house and pursed my lips, saying I'm an eight year old, I'm in no position to judge, but this house was small and white. I didn't like white one bit, it was too bland and the absent of color.

"Es ist weiß und klein. (It's white and small.)" I pointed out, still pursing my lips. "Englisch, Anna, Englisch." My mother said. I looked at her, she wanted me to start speaking English for some apparent reason.

"It's white and small. Happy now?" I questioned, getting out of the car."Natürlich ist sie glücklich ist, ist sie lächelnd. (Of course, she's happy, she's smiling, Anna.)" Adian giggled. "Auch sie, Adian.(You too, Adian.)" Our father said.

"Yes, daddy." She said, batting her lashes. "Such a brown noser!" I exclaimed. "Of course, I am to please people." She said, throwing her hair back. I rolled my eyes as our parents laughed at our faternal twinage.

"Ich würde sagen, beide Ihr Englisch wird immer besser. (I'd say both of your english is getting better)." My dad chuckled, pushing us forward into the house. "I guess so..." Adian and I shrugged simultaneously.

As Adian entered the house, she skipped up stairs to our room. Adian and I always shared a room, even though she bugs the ____ out of me...I'm not old enough according to my parents, so there's a blank.

I followed her upstairs slowly, I turned to the right because that was the only door open. I walked in finding the room green and purple. I like the green part, love that, Adian loved the purple part.

"I like it, what about you?" She questioned, turning to me. "I like my side, your's is okay." I replied, shrugging, plopping myself on my bed. I heard the window open, because Adian opened it.

I heard her gasp. "Leute! Hallo Leute!(People! Hi people!)" She shouted. My body jerked upward immediately after she said that. "Adian..."I groaned, I stood and trudged over to her. I even heard a "Hallo!" from outside.

I furrowed my eyebrows and came up next to my sister. There was a light breeze blowing my hair. I looked down seeing who she was waving at. Four guys, one holding a soccer ball.

"Can't you leave people alone for once?" I questioned. "No, I like meeting new people." She said, sticking her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, but I was held back by Adian.

"Let go." I whispered. "If I talk, then you talk." She said. I frowned and put on a forced smile as my sister turned me around. "Zwillinge! (Twins!)" The one with the brown and blondish crown rows. "Brüderlich!" Adian exclaimed.

"Awesome!" His twin said, he had black hair and piercings. He looked only about nine and he already had piercings...I wonder if he had tattoos...

"Willst du kommen und mit uns spielen?"(Wanna come and play with us?)" He asked, pursing his lips. "Totally!" She said, she pulled on my arm as she headed down, I stomped my feet giving her a harder time.

"Where are you girls going?" Our mom questioned, putting stuff in the cupboards. "Saying hi to neighbors." Adian replied. "I'm being dragged to say hi to neighbors, bye now." I waved as Adian pulled me out of the door.

I saw the four waiting for us and grinning, mostly grinning. "Hi...Again." Adian grinned. "Hi." The tall one grinned at her, I had to look up at him, he was friggin huge for a nine year old.

"Wie ist ihr name? (What's your name?)" Adian questioned, cocking her head. "Ich bin, Bill.(I'm Bill.)" He replied. Adian glanced at the others, "Ich bin, Tom." He nodded. "Und das ist Georg und Gustav." Bill pointed out.

Adian nodded. "Ich bin, Adian." She smiled. All the eyes flew on me, "Was ist mit dir oh ruhig eins?(What about you oh quiet one?)" Tom questioned. "Anna." I replied, short and simple. "That was, short." Georg pointed out, he spoke English.

"That's the point of it." I said. "Ready to play?" Adian questioned. "Ja.(Yes.)" Bill replied. "Während euch tun, werde ich sitzen da drüben in dem großen Schweigen.(While you guys do that, I'm going to sit over there in comfortable silence.)" I pointed over to the tree.

A arm fell around my neck pulling me backwards as I wanted to move. "Eheheh, no you're not, you're going to play with us, even if I have to make you." Tom said. "I barely even know you and I'm starting to hate." I muttered.

"Er hat die Wirkung auf den Menschen.(He has that effect on people.)" Bill said, laughing. "I can see that." I murmured as he released my neck. "Warum sprichst du Englisch? (Why are you speaking English?)"Tom questioned.

"Because of our parents, they want us to start speaking English till we lose our German accent." I replied. "Why, that's the best thing about being German." Gustav pointed out.

"I know right?" I questioned. "Yes, you aren't quiet anymore!" Bill exclaimed. "Now I am not." I pointed out. "Okay, let's play." Tom said, pulling me to him by the wrist.


That was the day that my sister and I became good friends with them and technically that was amazing twinage. As good friends go, there comes close friends and that's where the crushing starts to happen. I could tell Adian started liking Bill and unbelieveable as it seems, Tom's for me. But, sadly, that amazing twinage and crushes came to an end two years later when daddy found a job in America....AMERICA!

"What the fu-"

"She means what the fudge parents?!" Adian questioned, cutting me off. "Thank you." I said quickly. "No problem." She said as we kept our eyes on our parents.

"Listen, girls-"

"No, you listen dad." I said. His gave me a look, a look of confusion. It was like he was shocked I actually spoke against him. "Yes, you listen, the both of you listen.]" Adian ordered.

"We moved here two years ago, which was alright considering we're still in Germany, but AMERICA?? ARE YOU F-

"Fudging." Adian added. "Thank you...Again." I said, feeling a bit awkward. "KIDDING ME?!?" I finished my sentence.

"Okay, okay, girls, calm down." My mother said, shushing us. "I couldn't find a job here, so I decided to in America, the stories of America are amazing and I can't give that up, girls..." Daddy said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, and we can't give up Germany either father and mother." Adian said, crossing her arms. "Well, you have to, you'll leave Germany, soon in your life." Mom said. I made a face at my mother, "Mom, we're only ten, we leav in the next eight years." I pointed out.

"What's your point girls, there's no time better than the present." She chuckled. "Yes there is, it's called the future." I pointed it out. "Don't talk back to your mother girls." Father said.


"No buts, Adian. And nothing from you either, Anna, I've already plan this, we're moving tomorrow, now go pack." Father ordered.

"BUT DAD!" Adian and I whined simultaneously.

"No buts! Go." Father ordered.

I narrowed my eyes and tightened my jaw. I could tell Adian did the same thing. "This is bull shit." I said right into his face. I stood and walked up to my room. I walked up a littl ebit of stairs.

"It's fucked up too." Adian added, following behind me. I giggled as we walked upstairs together. I high fived Adian as we reached our room. Tom and Bill set on our beds.

Tom on mine, Bill on Adian's. "Hi, ladies.Heard you both are moving." Bill sighed. "You heard that?" Adian questioned.

"We have ears, Adian." Tom said. "I know that, considering how much music you guys play, I wasn't positive you heard of that." She shrugged, plopping next to Bill. "But we don't want you guys to move." Bill said, pouting as he laid up.

"You don't really have a choice when you're ten." Adian said as I sat on my bed. Tom soon wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me down with him. "Let me go." I whined. "I don't wanna." He responded, whining too.

I heard Adian squeal as Bill did the same thing to her. "What are you guys doing?" We questioned simultaneously. "We're going to miss you, might as well hug you for one last time." Bill replied.

"Aw, okay." Adian said. Tom's hand shifted to my waist. I turned my face to face him. "Hi there." He whispered. "Hallo." I smiled as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I'm going to miss you girls..."Tom and Bill said simultaneously.


The next morning was a drag...Tom and Bill actually, e had to drag them to the airport before they'd let us leave off the plane. Bill kind of teared up as Tom face went sad.

Which I found qite adorable. Tom and Bill were sad once we left. We said our goodbyes to Georg and Gustav earlier.

"Bye, call us, keep in touch!" Simone called after us. We waved at the guys as we walked behind our parents, they really didn't wave. They both blew a kiss at us. I kind of blush, knowing boys don't do that too often, well never anyway.

"BYE!" Adian shouted at them as we walked down the hall onto the plane. Once we got onto the plane, we took our seats. "Girls, it's not going to be that bad. We promise." Mom said.

"I beg to differ." We said simultaneously.


"No, no you both done enough talking. Just leave us alone." Adian said, putting her hand to make our parents stop. They sighed and leaned back into their seats. Adian gave me a goofy smile and high fived me.

I stuck out my tongue as I heard the intercom say something about Maine. Adian giggled, we're moving to America!
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