Status: Short Story

Best Friends


“Hello! Earth to Derek!” she waved her hand in front of my face.

“Huh? Oh sorry. What did you say?” I gazed into her eyes feeling my knees weaken.

“I asked you what you thought of them.” she pointed toward the stage that a band was performing on.

“Oh they’re good.” I nodded my head along with the beat.

“What is up with you lately? You space out more than me. Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked actually

“I’m fine.” I smiled at her reassuringly.

I was not fine. I was in love with my best friend. I couldn’t help but fall in love with her. The way her blond hair cascaded around her shoulders, the way her hazel eyes twinkled when she was trying to get something she wanted. The way she lost herself in music. I loved everything about Caitlin Elizabeth Jones. But I didn’t know if she loved me back. I had been in love with her for the last year. We’ve been best friends for the past three years. I knew everything there was to know about her and she knew everything about me. I was there for her through everything. I had always been her crying shoulder. But now I needed to know if she loved me like I loved her.

“I love you Caitlin.” the words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

She pulled her eyes away from the band to gaze into mine. “I love you too.” she smiled looking back at the band.

“No I mean I love you more than just as my best friend.” I replied again not being able to stop my words.

Her eyes locked back onto mine and it felt like she was staring straight through me. She stepped closer to me closing the gap between our bodies. I leaned down and she leaned up, when our lips met sparks flew in all directions. My hands found their way to her hips. She tangled her fingers in my hair as our lips moved in harmony against each other. When we finally pulled away from each other we were both trying to catch our breath.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say those words?” she giggled.

God I loved her laugh.

“No but I’m glad I finally did that.” I captured her lips in a sweet passionate kiss.

“I love you too.” she smiled and pecked my lips once more before gazing back at the band on stage.

I was in love with my best friend.
And she loved me back.