Status: updating when i can


"Fightin' on the Wrong Side of the Law"

"Dean and Sam, you've heard this before so just bare with me," Ash said. "Samuel Colt made this gun. A gun that can kill anything."

"After all the crap that has gone on and we needed is a gun?" Jared said.

"The trouble won't be killing him, it'll be finding him," I said. Dean and I were at the bar, Jo and Ellen were behind the bar, Sam and Jared were each sitting at a different table, while Ash was standing at the front of the room. "And not to mention, finding the gun."

"Actually, that shouldn't be too hard," Sam said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Jared asked.

"We have it," Dean said.

"Okay, that was easy. Now how do we find Pruflas?" Jared asked.

"There's several things we could do," I said. "We could summon him, but I'm not too sure how that would turn out."

"We could try a locator spell, but we're not sure if it would work," Ash said.

"What else could we do?" Sam asked.

"I just want to say that it wasn't my idea," Ash said in defense, his eyes landing on me. Soon, everyone was staring at me.

"I have an idea, but I'm pretty sure...well, I know that none of you will like it," I said.

"Then we're not doing it," Jared said strongly.

"But it will probably work." My voice raising quickly. "Pruflas is after me, right? Then why don't we have him come to us? I'm done with chasing the son of bitch around the country. For once, we can have him come to us."

"No!" Dean and Jared yelled together. They looked at each other for merely a second before going back to yelling at me.

"Will you guys just shut up!" I yelled finally. "I'm doing this either with or without all your guy's permission."

"I'll help you," Sam said.

"God damnit, Sammy," Dean cursed. "You're not suppose to be encouraging her!"

"She's right," Sam explained.

"Who cares if she's right? We're not letting anyone be bait," Jared said.

"Damn right," Dean mumbled.

"Sam, let's go, and anyone else who wants to help," I said.

"I'm not letting you go," Jared said standing in front of me and grabbing my arm.

"Get the fuck out of my way and no, you can't stop me. Remember how well that worked last time," I said pulling my arm from his grasp. "Either help me or get out of my way."

"I'm not being any part of this," he said.

"Then move," I said strongly. He stepped out of the way, and then I walked out. Sam followed me out to my car, where I leaned against it.

"What are you waiting for?" Sam asked as he stared at me. I could hear yelling coming from inside the bar.

"Your brother. He should be coming out in a few seconds," I said folding my arms. Right on cue, Dean came walking out of the Roadhouse. He kept muttering and kicking the dirt. I looked up at Sam and smirked. He shook his head and grinned.

"I'm only doing this cause I don't want you out there without any help," Dean said pointing his finger at me.

"Yeah, sure," I said trying to surpress a smile. "Alright, get in the car."

"Where are we going?" Dean asked getting into the car.

"Colorado, for now," I said. I started the engine and then headed down the empty road.

"For now?" Sam questioned.

"According to Ash, that's where Pruflas last was," I said.

"Why can't we do a locating spell or something?" Dean asked. "Wouldn't that be easier?"

"Pruflas doesn't like being out in the open, and only comes out when there's a good reason to. We probably won't be able to find him unless he wants to be found," I said.

"Great," Dean said rolling his eyes.

"Oh no, the best part is that he's always one step ahead of us until we find him," I said glancing towards Dean.

"So you're telling me that we have to wait until a demon wants to find us," Sam said.

"Pretty much," I mumbled.

We drove all the way to some small town in Colorado. Sam slept most of the way then. After Dean had realized that Sam was asleep, he reached over and grabbed my hand that was sitting on my leg. He entertwined our fingers together.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked.

"I think Dean Winchester is going soft," I said smirking.

"Psh, am not," he said brushing it off.

"Whatever you say," I said looking over at him.
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Comments anybody?
I know I have people subscribed to this, but i dont have anybody telling what they think of it. And i would really love it if they did