Status: updating when i can


"We're just Talkin' about the Future Forget about the Past"

We got two hotel rooms once we got into town. It was a small town, but large enough we wouldn't get get noticed easily.

"So now what?" Dean asked.

"We wait," I said sitting down on one of the beds in the boys' room. "Be normal for a while, I suppose."

"Awesome," Dean said rolling his eyes.

"If you have any ideas, I'm all ears," I said.

"What's our cover?" Sam asked.

"Roadtrip," I said smiling.

"Wow, it's simple," Dean said.

"Well, since we're probably going to be here a while, I'm going to go get some stuff," Dean said standing up.

"And how do you plan on getting there?" I asked smirking.

"Oh, um, can I barrow your car?" I rolled my eyes and held out my my keys.

Dean was about to grab them when I said, "You get one scratch on her and I'll kill you." I handed the keys to him and watched him leave.

"You and Dean are so much alike when it comes to your cars," Sam said from behind me.

"We're more alike than just that," I said turning around.

"Yeah, I know," he said looking down.

"What's up, Sam?" I asked.

"I don't know," he mumbled.

"Okay, you can talk to me if you want. I'm going to take a shower now so don't do anything stupid."


"I'm pretty sure Pruflas is still in Colorado," Ash said. I had called him asking if there was anything new. Sam had gone out exploring the town, and Dean was with me in my room.

"Pretty sure?" I questioned. "You don't sound very confident, Ash."

"Well, there's a buttload of demon activity going on there; but from what you and Jared have told me, Pruflas likes to stay under the radar and this seems too out in the open for him," Ash explained.

"Maybe he's trying to get us to go after him," Dean suggested.

"Maybe," I said taking in the possiblities. "Let us know if you find anything else."

"Will do," Ash said hanging up.

"Ugh, so we know nothing still," Dean said laying back on the bed.

"Yep," I said as I held my head. I ran my fingers through m hair, trying to think of something to do. I opened my eyes and saw Dean's boots. I looked up, and Dean was holding his hands out for mine. I took his hands and he pulled me to my feet.

"Okay, we need to get you out of this room and away from your computer," Dean said brushing some stray pieces of hair behind my ear. "What do you think of all of us going out to dinner and maybe a movie or something tonight?"

"Dinner and a movie?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Sounds like a date. Are you and Sam trying to get me to do a threesome with you? Sounds kinky," I said joking.

"Hey, there's not much you can do in this town. And have you ever met Sam? He would never be up for that and why would I want to share you anyways," he said smirking as he pulled me close to him.

"Who says you have me to share anyways?" I said smirking.

"You haven't kicked my ass yet," he said grinning. Dean leaned to kiss me, when we heard Sam go into the other room. "Damn it, Sammy," he muttered. Sam came in several seconds later.

"Did Ash say anything?" he asked sitting down next to me.

"He's pretty sure that Pruflas is still here," Dean explained.

"Great," Sam said sarcastically.

"Hey, Sam, would you want to go out tonight?" I asked. "Dean and I kinda want to get out of the room for the night, and go to dinner, maybe a movie, and then get a drink."

"Sounds like a date," Sam said as he set his stuff down on the counter.

"There's not much to do in this town," Dean said.

"I guess we could do that. It would be better than sitting in here all night," Sam mumbled.

"Great." I said grinning.


"That waitress keeps looking at me funny," Sam said as he glared over my shoulder at the waitress.

"Who wouldn't?" Dean joked. I glared at him and then kicked him in the shin cause he wouldn't stop laughing. "Ow."

"The guy at that table over there won't stop staring at us either," I said nodding my towards the table. "I don't like the feeling of this. We need to get out of here."

"But what about our food?" Dean said motioning to the empty table in front of us.

"Do you want to be hungry or dead," I said quickly. "There's at least 5 demons in here, probably more."

"Do you really think that they're just going to let us walk out of here?" Sam said.

"No, but we can try; and if doesn't work, we'll fight our way out of here," I said. Slowly, I stood up with Sam and Dean following.

"Leaving already?" a voice said from behind us. Before we knew it, there was a demon blocking every exit and others surrounding us. Apparently, everyone in the restaurant was a demon.

"Well, one can only stand so many demons," I said turning around.

"A great hunter like yourself is wanting to run away from a fight. Oh come on, Beverly, I've seen you fight 6 demons by yourself and come out with only a few scratches," he said standing up. "And now you have the famous Winchester boys on your side. Surely, you could win if you tried."

"Pruflas," I said watching him.

"Very good," he said grinning evilly. "I heard you were looking for me, so I thought I would present you with.....well, me."

"What do you want with her?" Dean asked stepping forward.

"Dean Winchester in love, how sweet. You better take this one seriously, Beverly." He stopped walking and took a deep breath. "Take them," he said simply to the demons. The next thing I knew, I was getting hit on the head with something very hard.