Status: updating when i can


"Shoot to Thrill, Play to Kill" Part 1

"Can you show me how to get to that house you were telling me about?" I asked as we left the diner. After we finished eating, we sat in there talking about the case and a few other things.

"Sure. Take a left," Sam said pointing towards the left.

"Did a demon really sneeze on you?" Dean asked from the backseat.

"Yeah, that's what I said." I could see Dean making weird faces in my rear view mirror.

"That would be fucking disgusting," Dean said.

"That's why I took an hour long shower after that."

"I wish I could've been that shower," Dean muttered. I slammed on the breaks and turned around to face Dean.

"Just because you can weasel your way into every other girl's beds with your charm and extremely bad pick up lines and your good looks does not mean that they'll work on me. So if I were you, I would fucking back off," I said pointing my finger at him. I turned back around and began driving again. I glanced over at Sam, who was trying to suppress a grin. We got to the house and walked around a few times.

"When did the murders happen again?" I asked them.

"A couple weeks ago. The cops think that the husband came home and went on a rampage. We asked around, and they said that he changed," Sam explained.

"Let me guess, he went from normal to possessed," I said looking around the front door.

"Yep," Dean said. "I'm going to look in the garage."

"Is your brother always such a...." I said trying to find the right word.

"A dick?" Sam said smiling. "Yeah, he has always been like that. By the way, very good job with putting him in his place back in the car."

"Thanks." I bent down and found a yellow substance. I smelt it and it was definitely sulfur. "And we have a winner."

"Sulfur?" Sam said bending down nest to me. I looked up and saw a car pulling into the driveway.

"Is someone suppose to move in now?" I asked Sam. The family got out of the car and over towards us as Dean walked out of the garage.

"How can I help you?" the older man asked.

"Hi, I'm Ali, and this is my fiance, Sam, and his brother, Dean. We were driving around, and, and I fell in love with this house. We didn't realize it was sold," I said as I put my arm around Sam.

"Oh, how sweet," the woman said. "My name is Sarah and this is my husband Joe. These two are our kids, Jenny and Jeremy."

"Well, we'll get out of your way, and let you get settled in," Sam said before dragging me to my car.

"It was nice meeting you," I yelled before climbing in with Sam and Dean. "There is no way in Hell that we are letting them stay in that house tonight," I said driving out onto the main road.

"You think the demon is still in the house," Sam said.

"What makes you think that it hasn't gone into someone else?" Dean asked.

"There hasn't been any other weird things happening since then. Nobody has gone missing , heck nobody has even died," I said. Dean and San both gave me a weird look. "What? You do your research, I do mine."

"It looks like we have another Sam on our hands," Dean said.

"I wasn't finished yet," I said. "But the neighbors of that house have reported strange noises and lights coming from inside the house. The police just thought that it was kids who had broken in. They went to check it out, but they couldn't get in.

"So what were you thinking on doing?" Sam asked.

"I was thinking that we could trap it in the house and then exorcise it, but I think its going to be a little more difficult with a family in the house."

"We could tell them that there was a gas ;leak," Dean suggested.

"Yeah, but they have already seen us," Sam said.

"Which might work to our advantage," I said coming up with a plan.

"How?" the brothers asked in unison.

"Well, after all, I did fall in love with that house," I said smiling. We went back to the motel and got our stuff together. I was in the guy's room, cleaning my shotgun when phone started ringing.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey Ali," my brother said. "Where are you?"

"I'm in Ohio. Where are you?"

"Utah," he said. "I don't think I'll be able to come. I have to stay on the west coast."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll see ya when I see ya," I said.

"Yeah, well, I'll talk to you soon, bye."

"Bye." I looked back at Dean and Sam and smiled.

"He can't make it, can he?" Sam asked.

"Nope. I get to party the night away," I said. "Well, let's get this show on the road." We got all our stuff in the cars and left to that old house.

"Looks like the demon let them inside the house," Sam said as him and I walked up to the front door, holding hands. Dean had taken his car, and was going to put salt in front of all the doors and windows when the time was right.

"Why hello, Ali," Sarah said warmly when she saw as she opened the door. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could show us around the house," I said sweetly.

"Of course," she said smiling. She welcomed us into the house; I could feel that there was something here that wasn't right. I felt Sam squeeze my hand; I looked up at him, and he was sent an encouraging smile to me.

"Sorry about the mess," Sarah said referring to all the boxes.

"No, its fine," Sam said.

"Yeah, and you have an excuse since you're moving in and all," I said.

"So this is the living room," Sarah said showing us around.

"Wow, I love the floors," I said. Sarah showed us the entire house, and now we were sitting in the kitchen talking.

"So has anything strange happen since you got here?" Sam asked. "We've heard that there has been some unusual things happening."

"No," Joe said strongly.

"Sorry. Sam has a thing for the supernatural stuff," I said sweetly.

"So have you two set a date yet?" Sarah asked.

"Next week," I said brightly. "Sammy has made me take a few days off from all the planning to relax. He said that I was becoming obsessed."

"Well, you were," Sam said.

"I just want everything to be prefect," I said smiling.

"Oh, I just remember when we were like that," Sarah said to her husband. "So in love. How long have you known each other?"

"We went to high school together, but it wasn't until college that we got together," Sam said. My phone startled me when I felt it vibrate in my pocket.

"Excuse me," I said politely. I went into the hallway and answered my phone.


"Hey, are you ready for the salt yet?" Dean asked.

"I thought you were going to call Sam?" I asked.

"Well I decided to call you, obviously. Are ready for the salt?"

"Let me ask Sam," I said to Dean. I walked back into the kitchen. "Sammy, do you think we need salt shakers?"

"Definitely," Sam said.

"Wow, you're calling him Sammy, and best yet, he's letting you," Dean said teasing me.

"Yes, we need salt shakers. I have to go. Bye," I said hanging up.

"Sorry about that. Wedding plans," I said standing behind Sam. I put my arms over his shoulders and kissed his cheek. All of the sudden, the lights started flickering.
♠ ♠ ♠
Duh duh what?
Yeah, I'm going to leave you hanging for a while. Yes, I'm that mean :P
At least I gave you a long chapter.
Comment and I might update sooner.

Thanks to PlaidDinosaurs and Black Orchid for commenting and the last two chapters.
And XnotXyourXrobotX for making me a banner, which I will put in the next update since my comuter is being annoying and not letting me do it.