Status: updating when i can


"Shoot to Thrill, Play to Kill" Part 2

"Oh god, here we go," Sam said as the lights started flickering on and off at high speeds.

"Dean, get your ass in here now," I yelled. Dean came in through the front door carrying a bag of salt.

"What's going on?" Joe yelled. "Get out of my house!"

"You're not going to believe us," Sam said. Dean was pouring the salt into a circle in the middle of the room. "But there is a demon in your house."

"What we need you to do is get inside the circle and stay there," I said. They looked at me like I was crazy. "Trust me." Slowly, Sarah nodded.

"Sarah, what do you think you're doing?" Joe asked his wife as she and her two kids went into the circle. "These people are crazy. They are probably planning on robbing us or something!"

"Joe, if they were going to rob us, they would've done it by now," Sarah said. "Joe, please. Just this once." Joe took a breath and joined his wife.

"Whatever happens, stay inside the circle," I said grabbing a shotgun from the duffel bag dean brought in. "Dean, you go to the north corner of the house; Sam, you go to south corner; and I'll go upstairs." Sam and Dean went to their spots. I grabbed another shotgun and handed it to Joe. "Shoot anything that's not Dean, Sam, or me," I said before running up the stairs. I started saying the Latin enchantment; the demon, in its smoke form, started swirling around but then it was gone.

"Did it work?" I heard Dean ask from the bottom of the stairs.

"No, it went into the vents," I yelled back.

"I got it," Sam yelled. I ran downstairs, and went to where Sam was. Dean was there before me. Sam had drawn a Devil's Trap, and the demon was stuck in it.

"Who wants to do it?" Sam asked.

"One of you can do it," I said. I walked to where the family was. Dean followed me and I could hear Sam speaking Latin.

"Did you get it?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah," I said. I looked around. "Wait, where's Jeremy?"

"Jeremy!" Sarah yelled. She looked around, but here eyes landed on the stairs. "Jeremy?"

"Hello, Beverly," he said as he walked down the stairs.

"Jeremy, where did you go?" Sarah said almost stepping out of the circle.

"Stop!" Dean yelled. "Its not him. He's possessed."

"Pruflas sends his regards," the demon said as he walked around me. "He misses you, Beverly."

"Why would your boss miss me?" I said watching him. I was trying to reach my gun without him noticing. The demon had his back to Dean, so Dean raised his shotgun and shot the demon.

"Hurry, draw a trap or exorcise it," I yelled. Sam started saying the incantation and soon the smoke came out and then disappeared. Jeremy laid there for almost a minute and then came to.

"Honey, are you okay?" Sarah asked as she knelt down beside him.

"I think I'm okay," he said sitting up.

I was putting our stuff in the car when Jeremy ran over to me.

"Ali, thanks for saving me and my family," he said.

"No problem kid, its my job. And I would go tell those guys thanks too," I said motioning over to Dean and Sam. He nodded and walked over to Dean and Sam.

"Thank you, Ali, for everything," Sarah said. She pulled me into a hug. "I hope you and Sam have a good life together."

"Yeah, about that," I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Sam and I aren't really Sam and I."

"I kinda figured that," she said smiling.

"If you need anything just call me," I said.

"Will do." I got into my car and drove to the motel. I was putting all my stuff from my room when the black Impala drove up.

"Are you just going to leave without saying goodbye?" Dean asked smirking.

"Yep," I said.

"It was nice working with you," Sam said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Yeah, same here," I said shaking it. "Hey, if you would like to, you are welcomed to come with me to New York."

"That would be sweet," Dean said grinning.

"Sure, that would be awesome," Sam said.

"Great," I said smiling. "So if you guys are coming, try and keep up."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I think I kinda suck at writting action scenes, but this is much better than the first I wrote this scene.
Here's the banner that XnotXyourXrobotX made. I think its pretty awesome.