Status: updating when i can


"Forget abot the tip, We'll have Hell to pay"

Along the way to New York, Dean had decided he wanted to ride in my car and dear old Sammy drive his precious car. Even though Dean insulted my choice of candy to snack on, I let him ride in my car with Sam following closely in the black Impala.

"I've never asked you how you got a car like this. This is one fine piece of mechenary," Dean asked as we drove down the freeway.

"It was my mom's car when she first started hunting," I said.

"Your mom was a hunter?"

"Yep, so were my grandparents," I said looking over at Dean. "I have come a whole family of hunters."

"I guess you couldn't have had a normal life even if you wanted to," he said trying to make a joke. When he noticed I wasn't laughing with him, he quickly asked about my dad.

"Something evil killed his parents so he became a hunter, and went after it. A few years after he found it and killed it, he met my mom. They started hunting together. Then they got married and had me and my brother."

"What happened between you and your brother?" he asked.

"We were close for a really long time, but then something happened and I blamed him," I said. Dean looked strait ahead and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What time is it?" Dean asked after he woke up from sleeping most of the way to New York.

"Almost noon," I said. "You do know that you talk in your sleep?"

"What did I say?" he asked worriedly.

"Oh, nothing too embarrassing," I said smirking. "Can you call Sam, please?" He nooded and called Sam. After the short conversation, he hung up and we were only a block away from the hotel we were staying in.

"That is the hotel were staying at?" Dean asked. "Its kinda fancy." I rolled my eyes and parked the car. We went in, with Sam following not too far behind. I got the rooms and paid for them.

After we got settled in the hotel room, we went out and walked around the city for most of the day.

Later that night, Sam, Dean, and I went to a club. Sam and Dean stood awkwardly at the bar as everybody danced and the music puonded through the speakers. I sat at the bar drinking some sort of hard liquor. I glanced over at the two of of them and shook my head. I then asked the bartender to make me two of their best drinks.

"What is this?" Sam asked as I handed them the drinks.

"I'm not sure," I said taking my drink. "Its definately not a purple nurple though." They got a bit drunk within minutes. Dean had found a pretty blonde who just loved his drunken pick-up lines. Sam had attracted a firey red head who was trying to get him to go back to her appartment with her. Me, on the other hand, had drawn in several guys who just loved to try to get look down my shirt.

I was dancing with one of the guys who had bought me drink, and we were getting very close. I notice Dean glancing at me once Ina while but took nothing of it.

Sam wad soon acting a little too much like Dean after a while, so I decided that I should probably get them back to the hotel. I got a cab, and the we went back to the hotel.

As soon as Sam hit the bed, he was out, but Dean was still up and around, barely.

"So you know I'm a pilot," Dean said walking over.

"Really? I had no idea you were a pilot, Dean," I said in a sexy voice. "We should get you to bed."

"As long as you're with me, honey," he said.

"Sorry, you are way too drunk for me," I said smiling. Dean laid down on the bed and was out. I took the boots off of both the guys feet and threw a blanket over them. I then grabbed a blanket for myself and laid down on the comfy couch.

What have I gotten myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
So my life has become just a little bit less busy for a while so I'm going to update more often. I'm not making any promises though.
For those of you who noticed purple nurple reference, kudos to you. Just a little inside joke to all you die hard fans. If haven't seen that episode, it's called Tall Tales. I'm not sure what season it's from, but I think it's from season 2.