Status: updating when i can


"On a Stormy Sea of Moving Emotion"

"So I was wondering if you would want to come with us?" Sam asked me while we were outside the hotel waiting for our cars.

"That would be fun, but I need to go do a few things first," I said. "Although, I will think about it after I get done."

"Great," he said smiling. I then walked over to Dean who was leaning against the building.

"It was nice working with you," I said to him. He looked up at me. "And it was fun partying with you."

"Yeah, it was a blast," he said smiling slightly. "Thanks for everything. Its been a while since I've had that much fun."

"No problem," I said smiling. "If you or Sam ever need anything, just call me."

"I was wondering if you would like know?"

"Dean Winchester is lost for words," I said teasing him.

"Would you like to come with us? Like hunt together?"

"Dean, you know I would love to go with you right now, but I have something to take care of first," I said taking both of his hands in mine.

"What do you have to do?" he whispered leaning in closer.

"Family stuff," I said. "Maybe next time you could come with me." I looked over my shoulder and saw our cars waiting. "I'll call you as soon as I'm done." I went up on my toes and kissed him on his cheek. "Bye Dean." I walked back over to Sam.

"Promise me you'll watch out for yourself," Sam said.

"As always," I said smiling. "Keep an eye on Dean and yourself."

"Will do," he said. He bent down and kissed my cheek. I walked over and climbed into my car.

"Ali," Dean yelled as he jogged over to me. "Where are you going?"

"Up to Vermont," I said. "I'll see you in a week or two."

* * *

"Hey Mom, I'm sorry it's been a while since I've been up here. I know I should've come sooner, but I didn't know what to say. I've met a couple of hunters that are my age, Mom. They are John Winchester's sons, Dean and Sam. Ellen called me and asked if I could help them out with a job. After we finished the job, I asked them to come to New York with me. You have no idea how much fun we had. It was really nice not having to lie to someone for once.

"You would just love Sam, Mom. He has such a warm heart. And Dean, well, once he sets his mind to something, he'll do whatever it takes to get, and I think he has his mind set on me." I laughed a little thinking about what I just said.

"I really like both of these guys, and I think I might work with them on jobs for a while maybe longer. I just don't know if I can tell them about Micheal, though. Nobody knows about that except Ash still.

"Mom, I wish you could be here. Sometimes I really need you. I just wish I had your strength. I have no idea how you did it. Actually, I'm glad that you're not here because this place absolutely sucks. I hope you're in a better place. I miss you and I love you so much, Mom."

I put a red rose in the water and then stood up taking in the view around me. It was a lake up in the mountains. My dad had picked this place to put my mom's ashes because its so peaceful and beautiful unlike the evil she had hunted for all of her life.

I walked back to my car and drove into the town at the bottom of the mountain. I went to the local gas station and went inside.

"Beverly," the owner said smiling. " Its been a long time. How's your brother doing? Its been even longer since I've seen him."

"He's not that bad I guess. He's just been working on the west coast. How's everything been around here, Molly?"

"There has been several new people in town that have stirred up trouble, but other than that things have been great." I was walking around the small store grabbing several things I needed.

"Really? What kind of trouble?" I asked her.

"No, Beverly. I don't want to get you involved. You've already done enough for this town."

"But this town has done so much for my family. If there is anything I can do, I want to do it."

"I know, but you have gone through so much in your life," she said as she rang up my items into the register.

"Alright, fine. But if anything happens I want to hear about it," I said giving her the money, and she nodded.

"Are you staying in town tonight?"

"No, I'm going to where my dad and Micheal are buried, and then go meet up with some friends," I said taking the bag with my things in it.

"It seems that you're happier," Molly said smiling. "Does it have anything to do with your 'friends'?"

"Possibly," I said smiling. "You better call me if anything happens."

"I will," she said. "I'm happy for you, Beverly."

"Thanks. I'll see you when I see you," I said before leaving.

I drove up the road a few hundred miles to another town and got a room at a motel for a few nights.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is where her Mom's ashes are at.
So I finally updated. I dont think that its that great and its a boring chapter, but its just more background on Ali.
Comment please and I will update.