The Sound Of Music

one / one

"Can't you play anything right?" Caleb was screaming again; this whole practice session had been on long shouting match that nobody but Caleb could win. He was irritated because we were headlining a tour in Germany next week and despite the language barrier he wanted to make the show memorable. He was irritated because he wanted fans chanting his name, our name -- he wanted chanting, no matter whose name it was.

I flicked my gaze to the window as I fiddled with the strings of my guitar. No doubt he was nipping at Dan's heels again about having off timing, though how the drummer could be late for a song he starts solo is beyond me. "Are you even listening?" Dan's probably scowling so he would have turned his head. This whole situation is fucked up, I need a smoke. As I lift my bass over my shoulder something smacks my cheek, forcing me to turn my head back towards the band. Dan's at the back of the room, wide eyed and watching from a distance. Caleb is standing in front of me. It's his hand that's across my cheeks; his hand that is making that sharp noise and his hand that's pushing me away.

It was me that he was screaming at. It clicked. "What?"

"You weren't even concentrating during that last song!" Caleb was back to his rant, walking left and right in a regular rhythm now he was sure I was listening. "I mean, did you even know that you switched songs after that third chorus? Or that you played right through the screams?" The rest of his words faded into a babble I was only half aware of.

"But -- Dan. " I was met with incredulous looks and a boiling glare. "You weren't shouting at Dan?"

Somewhere across the room Dan mutters --"fucker"-- and hurls a stick past me ear that I dodge mindlessly. Caleb's face is a mask of confusion and shock that I can't look at without cringing. "I need air. A break." Pushing out of the door, my bass still in my hand I walk away. The lead of the amp pulled me short of the open garage door, but I wrench it out carelessly. The cable hits the floor in a slithering motion, collapsing like a wounded dog.

I let the grey skies hover menacingly over my head as I walk, fast away.


"You had to have known baby." A thin, slinky arm curved around my waist. "Did you seriously think I was yelling at Dan?"

My voice was thick as I spoke, heavy from the pain it took to hold back tears. "Yes, I did. I wasn't paying attention and I--"

"Shhh..." Caleb lets the sound fall out his lips as he pulls me closer, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't mean it when I yell. To you. I mean it when I yell at the others, they deserve it."
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Not my usual style. Comments and opinions?