Status: Only posting this because someone enjoy's it so much. So comment and subscribe kiddies if you do also.

Lookout, Lookout.

Chapter Three

My family was crazy, you know? But then again what family isn’t?

My mother? Yeah, she was completely bonkers from the moment she was born. That is if she was born, I will swear up and down they found her under a rock. No woman could be born like that, like her. A woman like that is beamed down from a spaceship, completely devoid of human emotion. Then again, she was my mother, and despite everything she ever did to me I loved her to death. How could I not? I came from her, well that’s at least what they tell me. I’m going to have to believe it until I find proof otherwise. Hey, that might be a good question for God when I get to meet him.

“So what alien planet did she really come from? Just between friends. Oh! And while I’m here, got any idea who my real mother is?”

Yeah, I don’t see that one going over very well. He is God after all.

I would still like to know though.

Anyway, back on the subject of my crazy family.

My mother might not have been crazy though, it might just have been my viewpoint. She was the kind of parent who just had that whole ‘children should be seen, not heard’ kind of attitude. I can’t blame her; if you had me for a child you might have the same point of view on the situation. Just saying.

This can’t be a bash mommy and daddy session when I had my own part in it all, can it?

While we’re on the subject of daddy let’s talk a little about him. He was more of the silent but stern type. Spent most of his time in the office, but so help me if I acted up I sure as moon got it good. Let’s just say I learned quickly to keep my place in life in the corner, silent, and obedient.

I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but I’m not saying it is a good thing either.

On any account it is what is was, and it was what it is. There is no changing that, and no going back so let’s just continue.

Back again. My family was crazy, but I learned to live with it. After awhile I didn’t have to put up with nannies because ‘mommy and daddy have to work’, and I just got to live pretty much by myself. I loved it frankly and it was great, until I meet my first love. But that is a story for another time, and hey it seems like time is all I have anymore.

My sister? Yeah, she is where the magic is. Lilly Audrey is the only saving grace to our family. She was the only one who came out of everything and thrived. She was the first person I actually loved in this world. Usually that person is your mother or your father or grandmother or something, but no for me it was my sister. She was only a year older than me, but sometimes it felt like she was older than our mother. That’s the thing about Lilly; she is such a contradiction, a free spirit that acts more mature than a mother. It’s beautiful. Such an old soul trapped in a young body that just want’s to live I love it. It’s like poetic justice, her soul, because it makes her untouchable and unimaginable but just close enough to make it all real.

Yeah, I love my sister, because she loved me when no one else could. In that way Zack was exactly like her. Zack was pretty much family well about to be family at least. They were all I needed for a family. Zack and Lilly, all I would ever need in that world-this world. They were gifts I never deserved, but I had them anyway.

Have you ever had people like that in your life? People that just had you in awe every time they were near you, because they were just so perfect to be true? And not perfect like in those Syfy movies of the creepy Stepford housewives and such. Perfect, as in even their flaws worked in the right ways for them. It was just great to be graced by their presence for the time I was in it, however short or long I was there.
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Shorter yes, but the next chapter I think is really good.

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