Never Coming Home

Four of Six.

"So, what exactly is going on tomorrow?" Marie asked, lying next to her fiancé. Oh, how she loved saying that. It made her feel like the happiest person in the world.

"Well, I'm going out with Gerard one last time tomorrow, and then I'm coming home and my mom's throwing a party for Gerard, Frank and I, because she loves us oh so much, and we're going to tell everyone that we're engaged. Then, I'm taking you to get ice cream and we're going to walk around the neighborhood one last time before I have to go..."

"Are you sure you have to leave?" Mikey chuckled at her, tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Sadly, yes. But, don't worry. I'll come home in a year and we'll have a wedding to plan. Alright?"

She nodded. They stayed silent for a few moments, before she spoke up again. "What do you think the odds of the war ending tomorrow are?"

"The way things are now? One and a million. But, don't worry. I'll be safe out there, darling."


"Pinky promise."


"Are you coming with us?" Marie's mother asked, slipping her jacket on. In the past month, the temperature has dropped. She shook her head.

"No, I'm waiting for Mikey to swing by. We're going to walk over together."

Her mother smiled slightly. "Maybe Linda and I were wrong. Maybe, it won't be Frankie you're going to marry after all."

"I've been telling you that for years, Mother."

"I'll see you later, dear." Her mother walked out of the house, leaving Marie to sit there, alone.

Luckily, it wasn't long before Mikey showed up. She was so grateful that he didn't forget to walk her over there, which would be something he'd do. They walked, happily talking, pretending like tomorrow he didn't deploy off to unknown lands.

They stopped outside of his front door. He stopped her from going in and smiled sweetly at her.

"I hope you weren't going in there without your ring." He pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket.

Marie practically started jumping. The smile from her face was undeniably showing how ecstatic she was. He took the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger. She admired the ring, loving every detail of it. It was silver with a diamond perched on the top of it.

"Jeez, is the diamond big enough, Mikey?" she asked, jokingly, before adding, "You didn't have to get me anything fancy."

He pecked her lips. "Yes I did, because I love you. Remember?"

She rolled her eyes, but the smile didn't leave her face. "I love you, too. It doesn't mean you have to get me fancy things, darling."

He shook his head, pecking her lips once more, before opening the door and leading her in.

Donna greeted the two with hugs, as did Linda. It wasn't exactly a party, more of a family get together. The three families were so very close, all of their fathers being best friends growing up.

"Uh, I have something to tell everyone," Mikey stated, randomly during dinner. Everyone's eyes were glued to Mikey. "Uh. Well," he started stuttering, not knowing how to tell his friends and family that he was engaged. Marie shot Gerard a 'Help, please' look, since he already knew of the two's engagement. She grabbed his hand from under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze.

He smiled at her. "Maybe Marie should tell us!"

"Gerard," she whispered. All of the eyes that were previously glued on Mikey were now on her. She bit her lip. "Um, well. Mikey and I are, uh..." She looked over at Mikey.

"Engaged?" he finished for her, squeezing her hand.

The table went very, very quiet for a minute or two, before Donna cracked a smile.

"I told you she wouldn't get married to Frank!"

Marie's worried face changed in an instant to a 'are-you-serious' kind of look.

"I was sure of it!" Linda exclaimed. "They would have cute babies!"

Frank's face burn hot with embarrassment, as he put his hands over it. "Mom, please. Don’t start this again."

"Now, you know Frank, it's true."

"Well, I'm sure her and Mikey's babies will be just as adorable! I mean, look at both of them, they're so adorable!"

"Mother," Marie whined, now in the same position as Frank, with her hands hiding her face. No one seemed to care though, they were continuing their conversation about how cute the babies would be. Gerard looked over at Frank and they both slowly, but quietly, scooted their chairs back and snuck out to the living room.

Mikey looked over at Marie, smiling, before leading her out of the kitchen, as well. They walked right out the front door. "Wanna go for the ice cream a little early?"

"Of course."

He took her hand and walked to the closest ice cream place there was. "Why do they always insist on you and Frank getting married?"

Marie shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've never even had a crush on him. It's weird."

"Yeah, I understand. Embarrassing, too. Both of you always look uncomfortable about the whole thing."

"He's one of my best friends, of course we're uncomfortable. I'm sorry they brought up. After we told them we're engaged."

Mikey chuckled. "Don't worry. That was exactly how I figured they'd react."


The next morning, the train station had been as packed as it was when all of the men had came home. This time, though, instead of happy chatter, there was the distinct sounds of women crying. Mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, aunts...They were all crying over the departure of their loves.

Marie was no exception. She was bawling her eyes out in Mikey's chest, begging him not to go. Pleading him to stay. It was no good, though. She knew, even if she could convince him to, it would be considered AWOL. She personally didn't want to send him to jail.

"Come home soon," she hiccupped. "Don't die. I swear, if you die, I'll kill you!"

Her mother almost corrected her for swearing, but decided not to. She knew that it wouldn't help anything. Instead, she stood behind them, watching her daughter slowly breaking down.

"I won't, I'll stay alive and come home to you," he whispered, kissing her neck.

She wanted to ask, "Promise?" but she didn't want to make him make a promise he couldn't keep. Both of them know how unpredictable war is. How it could change in just a second.

"I love you so much, Mikey," she said, for the seventh time since they had arrived at the train station.

"And I love you, Marie. I really have to go, though, darling. I love you so much. Try not to stress yourself to death, doll. Alright?"

She nodded, wiping a tear from her face. "Love you too. Good bye."

"Not good bye. Good byes are forever, just a 'See you in a year, love' would be better."

She started crying again, only she had a smile on her face. "Only you could make a girl laugh and bawl her eyes out, Mikey," Frank said, nudging him in the ribs.

Frank gave Marie a hug, whispering in her ear, "Don't worry, Gerard and I will take care of him for you."

"Thank you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm too tired to proof read it.
x.x If anyone notices a spelling/grammar mistake, please tell me.
I'll fix it when I wake up.