Cities Built On Sand

That Crush

“Oh my gosh, Sid, babe, come here, you have got to see this!” Kari said through fits of laughter.

Sidney finished feeding Thomas and walked into their bedroom with a questioning look. Kari and Juliet were sitting on the large bed in hysterics. Laying the baby in his crib, Sidney joined his wife and daughter to figure out what they were looking at. There was a small composition notebook covered in magazine clippings, it was worn out. It was written in, cover to cover, the pages full of clippings and photographs.

Juliet handed her father the notebook giggling. Sidney opened the book and began flipping through pages. Without reading much he could easily gather that it was Kari's diary from their years at Astral Drive. His eyes lit up as he landed on a specific date written in Kari's neat script.

February 14, 2002 AM

Dear Diary-

Its Valentines Day! Sidney and I are going to the dance tonight like we have the past two years. Me and natalie went shopping for a super pretty dress. Even though i'm only fourteen, I really really like sid. He's my first real friend and boyfriend. He's super sweet and even daddy likes him. I hope he brings me sundflowers, they're my favorite kind ever. I mean sure roses would be nice too but.. oh wait hang on I think he's here!

Sidney looked up at his blushing wife, that specific night was an interesting one that he remembered vividly. He had brought her roses and told her he was leaving Astral Drive next year for Shattuck-Saint Mary's. Sidney shook his head in disappointment, so many unnecessary tears were shed that night. What was supposed to be a 'Night Under the Stars' ended up more like a night under the sea.

February 14, 2002 PM

Dear Diary-

Valentines day is almost over thank goodness. Tonight was just a mess. Sid didn't even notice my new dress or perfume. He brought over roses and didn't want to dance all night. They had a slow dance at the end and he wanted to leave I was excited because I thought he was going to say he loved me but he didnt he said he wasnt going to be around next year, that hes going to some school in america. So to top off my valentines day when natalie came to pick us up he didn't even open the door for me

Kari looked at her husband nervously. “Listen, Sid, you know, that was ages ago. I was just a kid then. None of that stuff really bothers me and stuff, you know?”

“Right..” He said slowly, “Well, I told the boys I would have lunch with them so I'll be home a little later, need me to pick anything up from the store?”

Kari shook her head, “What do you want for dinner?”

“Just you and me. I've got reservations for seven. I think Geno and Emma are going to come over to babysit.” Sidney explained walking over to Thomas's crib picking up his son.

Juliet lit up at the sound of her godparents' name and ran off to find Patrick. Kari sat on the bed with her legs crossed, Thomas playing with the hem of her shirt. Later that afternoon, Emma and her husband showed up with a large black bag. Kari sent her friends a confused look causing them to smirk. Evgeni did a trade off with Kari- she handed him Thomas and he handed her the black bag.

“Go put on for your dinner with Sid.” He instructed heading into the kitchen for baby formula.

Doing as she was told, Kari headed off to her bedroom and got changed. When she opened the bag she was shocked. It was nearly identical to the one she had worn to her Valentines Day dance during Sidney's last year at Astral Drive. She nervously walked down the stairs, her heels clicking with each step. At the bottom of the stairs stood Evgeni, Emma holding Thomas, Patrick, Juliet, and Sidney wearing a suit and tie.

“Wow, Mom, you look so pretty!” Juliet commented as walked towards everyone.

Kari blushed, “Thanks, sweetie.”

Everyone quickly ushered Sidney and his wife out of the apartment so they could get their date on the road. The sight of Sidney in his dorky suit and tie made her feel like she was thirteen years old again, going to the dance with Sidney for the first time. Her cheeks were bright red and she kept biting her lip.

The night was flawless. Dinner was delicious and to top it off, the couple went dancing afterwards. The entire night, Sidney kept complimenting Kari on how beautiful she looked. “So,” Sidney started as they sat on a bench looking up at the stars, “did you have fun tonight?”

Kari nodded, “Yes, I feel like I'm a girl again. Remember when our parents set us up for the first Valentines Day dance at Astral Drive?”

“Ugh, unfortunately. I was such an awkward kid back then.” The athlete groaned.

“Hey,” Kari shot back, “Who said you aren't awkward now?” Sidney looked at his wife feigning hurt, “I'm just kidding babe. But seriously, I thought that was a good night. Remember how it ended?”

Grinning, Sidney leaded towards his wife pressing his lips to hers quickly before pulling away. He looked to the ground for a moment before looking up. Kari giggled and mocked his actions, quickly pecking his lips. “I have a crush on you.” He said sheepishly.

“Wow,” Kari giggled, amazed at how well her husband remembered that one night, “after all these years and I still have a crush on you.”