Status: Active Again (:

Two Souls Intertwined

Yuna - Chapter 2

Yuna was immediately grabbed from behind and away from her “cat” as the older girl scooted backwards as far away from her as she possibly could with wide eyes of fear. Yuna struggled against the captain’s hold on her and was still screaming for answers as he quickly took her out of the room. Once they got to the captain’s office, Jushiro closed the door and set Yuna down on a sofa in the room. She immediately jumped up from it though and gave Jushiro a furious stare.

“How could you?!” She screamed.

Jushiro had his eyes closed now and was leaning with his back against the door.

When he didn’t respond, Yuna walked swiftly toward him and added, “How could you just let my father do that?! Was my mother dying not enough?!”

Jushiro still didn’t respond though and Yuna clenched her hands into fists before turning quickly around as tears slid down her face.

“Just tell me why. Why did they choose to leave me all alone?” Yuna asked with despair filling her voice.

Strong arms wrapped themselves around Yuna from behind and with a mollifying tone Jushiro explained everything, “Your mother, Miyako, had no other choice but to follow orders, Yuna. She was given a mission and accepted it with great honor as any other well-respected soul reaper would have. And your father, Kaien, loved your mother very much. I don’t think I’ve seen a greater family than when all of you were together. And if your father hadn’t gone after that hollow and died I don’t know how long he would’ve lasted without Miyako.

“I think deep down your father knew that and that’s why he sacrificed himself for her and you both. He knew that if he had to even look at you, he’d instantly be reminded of Miyako and feel regret. He didn’t want you to have to live with knowing that. Please understand that what your parents did was only to fulfill their roles as responsible soul reapers and parents. They meant for you to look up to them as role models, not look down on them for merely doing their jobs.

“I know all this because I was very close to them and that’s why I adopted you as my own. I’ve reserved my lieutenant spot in my squad for you ever since your father died and it became open. But if you’ve changed your mind about it then I’ll understand why. And if you never want to see me again for what I did, then I’ll understand that as well.”

Yuna was silent for a while and had her head hung low. Then she took a step forward and turned around swiftly to face Jushiro with a determined expression on her face.

“I was chosen to be the lieutenant of the 13th court guard squad and because of such an honor I will accept and fulfill it to the best of my ability.” She said proudly.

Jushiro gave her a half-hearted smile and Yuna smiled full on back while adding, “And I will forever be the adopted daughter of the 13th squad Captain Jushiro Ukitake.”
Jushiro’s face lit up and he ran towards her quickly to give her one of his infamous hugs, but Yuna gracefully jumped over him. Just then, Yuna’s “cat” walked into the room and Yuna turned back to Jushiro.

Putting a hand on her hip and using her thumb to point at the tall girl behind her, Yuna boldly asked, “But how does this huge...thing, fit in the story? And why does she have the same name as my mom?!”

*Author’s Comment: Jushiro told Yuna her “cat’s” name was Miyako when he “gave” her to Yuna.

“This huge thing is your guardian, you little twit. So I’d be nicer to me if I were you, because I may end up just letting you fend for yourself. And your mother gave me that name because I’m supposed to fulfill her role since she’s gone.” Yuna’s “cat” said from behind, making Yuna turn around.

They both glared at each other with dislike.

“I can fend for myself just fine, thank you very much! And I don’t need a mother figure in my life! I’ve been doing just fine without you anyways, so why don’t you just leave?!” Yuna retorted, crossing her arms and looking away from her guardian.

Yuna was grabbed by the shoulder and turned around to face Miyako who had a demonic grin on her face.

Trying not to pulverize the annoying ditz in front of her, Miyako growled, “Listen here, kid, I’ve helped you out more than you can ever imagine and the only reason I’m even doing this is because I promised your mother! Plus you’re a part of a very old noble bloodline which means anyone could try to assassinate you and end that bloodline! So even if I wanted to, I can’t just leave! Got it?!”

Yuna turned away, closed her eyes, and smirked with her arms crossed before saying, “Oh, look who thinks they’re all big and bad now just because they’re not a little kitty anymore.”

Yuna knew Miyako wanted to yell at her so bad. But Jushiro cut her off.

“That’s enough of you two. Miyako, did you forget about the welcoming party for Yuna?” Jushiro said.

“Oh, right. My apologies, Captain Ukitake.” Miyako said from behind.

Yuna sniggered a bit under her breath as they both followed Jushiro out of the room. As soon as Jushiro was gone though, Yuna fell flat on her face from tripping over Miyako’s leg.

Shooting back up quickly, Yuna now had another bloody nose which she wiped off with the back of her hand immediately.
“What the hell was that for?!” Yuna yelled in annoyance.

Miyako didn’t say anything and just kept walking forward with her eyes closed in content.
Yuna’s eyes narrowed to slits and with a running start she jumped toward Miyako’s back. Right at the last second, Miyako ducked causing Yuna to fly through the air and land on the ground yet again.

“Nice try, you little demon.” Miyako laughed.

Yuna took this distraction to her advantage and nailed Miyako with a punch straight to the face. Miyako’s hands immediately moved to cover her nose and when she pulled them away she saw fresh blood on her fingers.

“Ha! That’s what you get!” Yuna yelled, pointing with a triumphant look on her face.

A low growl sounded from Miyako causing Yuna to take off towards her room. On the way, Yuna happily sang out all kinds of degrading insults to the guardian. Miyako, chasing after her, gritted her teeth the whole way and her tail was a lot bushier than normal.

When they finally got there, Yuna sped inside her quarters yelling, “I win!”

And before Miyako could reach for her, Yuna slammed the door in her face and locked it.

“Unlock this door right now, you little twerp!” Yuna heard Miyako yell in outrage.

Yuna just stuck her tongue out at the door and turned around to find a shinigami uniform ready for her to change into. Once she put it all on, she examined herself in her full length mirror. One thing she altered was the top which was now a halter that had white straps to tie at the back of her neck. She also had a big light blue cloth tied in a bow at the front of her waist, which held her zanpakuto. And she had the lieutenant badge wrapped tightly around her right arm.

A bang on the door caused Yuna to practically jump out of her skin in surprise.

“You’ve been in there for practically an hour! Hurry up and get out before we’re late to your own damn party!” Miyako’s voice rang out from behind the door.

Yuna rolled her eyes and looked one last time at her lieutenant badge before getting out of her room. Bam! Miyako had made a fist and brought it down onto Yuna’s head as soon as she came out the door.

“OW!” Yuna complained, holding her head with a frown.

Miyako laughed and said, “That’s for earlier.”

Yuna glared up at her guardian, who had a big grin on her face.

“Oh, there you two are! We should probably be on our way, the party will be starting pretty soon!” Jushiro exclaimed with enthusiasm, while walking towards them.

While rubbing her sore head, Yuna asked, “Where is it?”

“The 2nd division barracks, they’re supposed to be very luxurious thanks to the lieutenant. And anyone who wants to meet you will be there.” Jushiro smoothly replied as they all started walking.

Yuna dropped her head as her eyes widened and butterflies flew around in her stomach, hopefully not too many people will come...

Next to her, Miyako snorted and said, “That can’t be too many people then.”

Yuna gave her a small glare, but became less nervous at the words.

When they arrived at the place, Yuna felt dizzy. They could hear everyone from the building just at the bottom of the stairs.

Jushiro turned to her and gave her a plastered on calming smile while saying, “I’m sure you’ll be fine and have a lot of fun.”

Yuna didn’t reply as they all began to make the short trip up the stairs. Worrying thoughts began to fill Yuna’s mind. What if they don’t like me? What if I’m not what they expected? What if I’m not up to their standards? Can they tell if I’m going to be a good lieutenant or not by just looking at me?!

“Yuna.” Miyako’s voice called out, making the nervous girl snap back to reality.

Intense fear hit Yuna when she saw how many people were in the building through the automatic glass sliding doors. However, because of the time of day no one could see her or Miyako.

Her guardian then added, “Remember, Yuna, if anything happens I’ll be here for you. No matter what, I will always have your back. You’re a wonderful girl and Captain Ukitake and I know you’ll be an amazing lieutenant as well. And if they can’t see any of that then so what? Why should you care what they think? You’re of the noble Shiba family bloodline and a lieutenant, nothing will ever change that unless you let it. ”

Yuna stared at her now smiling guardian for a second before attacking her with a hug that almost made them go tumbling downwards.

“You stupid kid, you could’ve nearly killed us both!” Miyako yelled, making Yuna jump away from her guardian quickly with her arms crossed and eyes closed in indifference.

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t say such things and I wouldn’t react like that!” Yuna said, her nose pointed in the air.
Miyako rubbed her temples and had a look of absolute frustration on while yelling in Yuna’s face, “For your information, I was trying to be nice but if you’re too much of twerp to accept that then maybe I shouldn’t be!”

Yuna pulled her right eye down with her pointer finger and stuck out her tongue in response before going back to how she was before.

“You little-!” Miyako started yelling but then stopped with a loud sigh, turning away from Yuna and crossing her arms with her eyes closed in indifference as well.

“Let’s just go to the welcoming party and get it over with, deal?” Miyako offered.

Yuna opened her left eye a bit and peeked to see if Miyako was being serious. When she saw her guardian was, she quickly closed her eye again and began walking up the stairs. Jushiro was already in the building.

“Deal.” Yuna answered, as Miyako followed her up the stairs.

Entering the building, Yuna and Miyako were shocked by everyone in it yelling, “Welcome to the Gotei 13!”

Then everyone became quiet as an old man with a huge wood cane walked slowly up to Yuna.

Opening his eyes, he spoke to her with a strong, strict tone, “On behalf of the Gotei 13, I, the squad one Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, welcome you. And I’m grateful to have you, Yuna Ukitake Shiba, a noble, as the official lieutenant of squad 13.”

Yuna blushed as everyone in the building clapped for her.

“And now, on my exit, let the party begin!” Captain Yamamoto yelled, before using his flash step to disappear on the spot.

Everyone cheered and music out of no where began to play obnoxiously loud. Many people came up to her and welcomed her again, so many that there was no way she could remember them all that night. But there was a couple of them that she’d definitely remember for life.

“So you’re the new girl that everyone’s here for.” An older feminine voice said, making Yuna turn around and almost suffocate from a hug by a very curvaceous stranger.

While Yuna was gasping for air, the older lady introduced herself, “My name’s Rangiku Matsumoto, I’m the lieutenant of squad 10. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Yuna!”

Then whispering in Yuna’s ear, she added, “Would you like to go get a drink with me and some friends afterwards? We’re all going to Captain Shunsui’s later for an after party.”
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