Status: Active Again (:

Two Souls Intertwined

Miyako - Chapter 2

Before they reached the top of the stairs, Miyako tied a cloth around her head to cover her ears and made sure her tail was hidden beneath her pants. As soon as they entered the large room within the 2nd division barracks, an immense crowd screamed their welcome catching Miyako off guard. After the outburst, the room became uncomfortably silent when an elderly man stepped forward from the crowd.

That must be Captain-Commander Yamamoto. He's a lot more wrinkly than I pictured him, Miyako pondered as the old man walked slowly forward.

“On behalf of the Gotei 13, I, the squad one captain, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, welcome you. And I’m grateful to have you, Yuna Ukitake Shiba, a noble, as the official lieutenant of squad 13.” He pronounced in a booming voice.

His voice was so dang loud that Miyako could feel the floor beneath her quivering in fear and it also created a very irritating ring in the “cat’s” ears. It took all of Miyako's self control not to cover them and shrink away. The clapping afterwards certainly didn't help either.

 “And now, on my exit, let the party begin!” Captain Yamamoto yelled, before using his flash step to disappear on the spot.

Once the old fart was gone, unnecessarily loud music began to play. People started to crowd around Yuna while congratulating and hugging her. Meanwhile, Miyako was being shoved and squished to death by the huge mob of shinigami. Beginning to feel claustrophobic, she forced her way out of the swarm and leaned against a far wall to catch her breath while watching the scene before her.

"She looks like she's enjoying herself." A carefree voice said.

Miyako turned to her right to see Captain Shunsui standing next to her, looking in Yuna's direction. His relaxed grin molded on his face. He then shifted his gaze toward the older girl with his smile still upon his lips.

"Don't you agree?" He added.

Miyako merely looked at him and then back towards Yuna, a smile spreading across her elegant face.

"She better be enjoying herself, I went through a lot of trouble to prepare this stupid party."
Shunsui began to laugh as he placed his arm around Miyako's shoulder, the faint smell of alcohol emanating from his pink robe.

"And a wonderful party it is! I must say, you have certainly out done yourself!" The drunk captain said while patting Miyako on the head, who shot such menacing glare towards the man that it would make even Byakuya's hair stand on end.

When the drunk captain took heed of the daggers coming from Miyako's eyes, he swiftly removed his hand from her covered head and began to wave his hands dramatically in front of him.

"Sorry! I forgot you weren't a cat anymore," A smile was still on his face as he scratched the back of his head laughing to himself.

Miyako rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Why are you so tense? It's a party! Enjoy yourself, have a drink or two with me!" Shunsui began to snake his arm around her waist while swinging sake around in the air with his other hand.

Miyako could feel his arm brushing against her back. Her ears became flat against her head while her left hand balled up into a tight fist by her side. The next thing he knew, a fist was jammed in his scruffy face. Shunsui fell to the ground with his face smoking from the impact.

"That's what you get, you pervert." Miyako stated blankly while looking down.

"My, my. What troubles have you gotten into this time, captain?" A busty, blonde woman stood above Shunsui with her hands on her hips.

"I was just trying to be friendly..." He spoke while rubbing his face.

"Yeah, well, next time you try to be friendly, keep your hands to yourself, Shunsui." Miyako growled while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Matsumoto breathed in a large gasp.

"You did what?!" She quickly grabbed the 'cat' in a protective embrace.

"How could you do that Captain?! Don't worry, Matsumoto is here to protect you from that sketchy man."

Seeing as Miyako's face was being squished between two massive breasts, she tried her best to get out of the lieutenant’s grasp. Digging her claws into Rangiku's side, Miyako began to push the taller woman away only to have the voluptuous blonde tighten her grasp. Miyako's breath ran out of her lungs as she went limp from lack of oxygen.

"Take it easy on the poor girl, Matsumoto. You're going to kill her and the party’s just started..."

"What?" Matsumoto looked at Captain Shunsui with a confused look.

Suddenly realizing that the young girl in her arms wasn't moving, she released her thus causing Miyako to fall against a hard wall gasping for air.

When her breathing finally evened, she began to shoot a glare towards the lieutenant only to realize that the woman was looking up at the ceiling with wide eyes. While wondering what she was starring at, Miyako felt the wall behind her vibrate as a deep threatening voice began to speak.

"You started the party without me?!"

Miyako began to turn around only to come face to face with the waist of the 11th squad captain, Kenpachi Zaraki. Looking up, she saw a demonic smile slowly spread across his sharp face. The “cat's” pupils began to spread causing her eyes to appear jet black.

"You the one who threw that punch in Shunsui's face?" Kenpachi asked her.

Everyone was silent when this question was directed to the young girl. Not knowing how to react, Miyako simply nodded her head. Bad idea.

Faster than anyone could see, Kenpachi had drawn his sword and swung in an upward motion. His sword now pointed towards the ceiling in his right hand.

"Let’s have a little one on one then." He stated with his overly creepy smile still on his face.

The cloth on Miyako's head started to tear in the front and continued to rip down the middle towards the back. When she looked down, the cloth that had once covered her ears was floating to the floor in two pieces.

"Are you insane?! You could have killed me!"

Everyone in the room fell silent when they saw the snow white cat ears pop up from Miyako's pure white hair. This was quite awkward.

"Go, Kenny!" A sudden puff of pink hair popped up from Zaraki's right shoulder, breaking the silence.

Miyako's ears perked up from the sudden outburst and her head shot up in response. The child that was on Kenpachi's shoulder was almost the same size as the captain’s head.

The child’s smile grew to more than half it's normal size and she breathed in a very slow but loud gasp before yelling, "KITTY!"

The child then suddenly jumped off her captain’s shoulder and towards a stunned Miyako.

Turning to run, Miyako was pushed onto the ground from behind by the hyperactive child who then sat on the “kitty’s” back while pulling on her ears. Everyone in the room was too busy watching the scene playing out in front of them, that no one even thought of helping the small lieutenant’s screaming victim.

Trying as best as she could to get away, Miyako stood up without warning. Surprised, Yachiru let go of the ears and began to slide to the ground. Figuring she had won, the guardian started to flash step away only to be stopped by a sudden sharp pain to her butt.

Somehow Yachiru had managed to grab Miyako's tail without her knowing and used it to punish the “kitty”. Miyako freaked out from the sudden pain and started to run out of the room and down a nearby hallway while Yachiru dug her heels into the floor, making it hurt the “kitty” even more.

"Yay! Run faster, kitty!"

Deciding to make this harder on Miyako, Yachiru sat on the floor with a thud causing her victim to fall to her knees. Still trying to get away, Miyako drove her nails into the ground and began crawling while Yachiru tightened her grip even more.

"Stop, you little demon! Let go of my tail!"

"No! I'm not done playing with you yet!" Yachiru yelled back while getting up from her place on the ground and pulling Miyako back towards the party by her tail.

Miyako yelped in pain as her tail bent in different directions.

"It’s not supposed to bend that way! You're going to break it!" Her fingernails left long scratches on the wood floor as she was dragged away.

Miyako’s mind raced as she tried to think of a way to save her butt (no pun intended) from the vice-like grip of the tiny lieutenant. Her head snapped up as a plan came to her and she kicked herself mentally for not thinking of it sooner.

Yachiru, unaware of anything happening around her, began to walk even faster. She stopped though when she saw smoke coming from behind her. Finally realizing that the tail that was once in her hand was gone, she twirled around to see nothing but a large amount of smoke and a white tail disappearing around a corner.

In order to get her tail to shrink, Miyako had transformed. She then began dashing through the halls, cutting lefts and rights to make it harder to track her.

As she turned into another hallway, she saw a sliver light coming through a door that was cracked open slightly. Panicking, Miyako ran towards the door and squeezed inside. Once she
was completely inside, she transformed back into a human and locked the door.

She waited for a few minutes, her ears twitching as she listened for her torturer. When she didn't hear anything coming from the other side, she turned around and leaned against the door. Letting out a sigh of relief, she collapsed to the floor and tried to calm her heartbeat.

When she opened her eyes, a sudden feeling crept up her spine that told her she wasn't alone. Lifting her head up slowly, her eyes widened in surprise when they became locked with stormy grey ones.

Miyako and the stranger stayed like that for a while until a silky laugh broke the silence.

"Well, that was unexpected." A dark skinned goddess remarked, a very cat-like grin on her face.